Thank you, Ross Ulbricht
As my username and posting history indicate, I'm a big fan of psychedelic medicines.
Historically, they were not easy to find where I live - and internet experience does lead me to believe it is very much the same in most parts of the world.
Where they could be found, there always was a measure of risk, having to meet in person some very shady characters.
My heart always sped up when arranging a meeting. There would be knifes, and sometimes guns.
There would be other customers, many of them equally shady.
Meth, cocaine, bath salts, all that stuff.
"No, just looking for some acid" (for the 5th time..)
Under the eyes of the law, they are all equally bad: this dirty bag called drugs - let's fit everything in there and pretend there's no difference.
Regardless of the purpose or the substance, if you partake, you're the scum of the earth.
Where I'm from, that's how it goes. It's not pretty.
Enter the Silk Road
When news of the silk road hit the internet, a quiet revolution begun taking place.
While the mainstream media was busy demonizing this new underground market, hundreds of thousands of PEACEFUL, LAW-ABIDING (well, almost), MINDING-MY-OWN-BUSINESS, PEACE-AND-LOVE-YO people a bit all over the world had a different story to tell.
No longer were they - we - risking our safety, health, and sometimes our life to obtain the chemical keys to unlock hidden parts of our consciousness, it could now all be done from the comfort of our living rooms.
Mix some bitcoins, select what and how much, click purchase - wait some days or weeks, and it all conveniently arrives by mail.
A more efficient market
Not only were the drugs more pure, they were also misrepresented less often.
Dealers now had a global reputation attached to them, and you'd be surprised how much that is worth when all you have is your reputation.
During years of using the markets, and watching friends do the same - not once were we scammed by all those faceless anonymous dealers of the underground.
Not a single time!
As cautious psychonauts, we tested our drugs, too. They were never mislabeled, and the quality was superb.
The amounts were what they should be, except one time (10% was missing) -- and on the next order, this faceless internet dealer sent 30% extra, so that there'd be no questions that it was an honest mistake.
The doors of perception
We tripped. A lot.
If you don't do drugs, it's easy to be condescending and moralizing about it.
Look - I don't like alcohol, but I'm perfectly ok with those who do.
I'm not gay - but I'm perfectly fine with gay people.
A little tolerance is all we ask - we're not the wicked demons that the media makes us to be.
Perhaps you don't understand why someone would ingest random chemicals obtained from the internet.
The opinions I've heard the most from people who're not into this, is that they think we're chasing pleasure. Fun. Recreation. Avoiding responsibilities, living in a fantasy world.
Nothing could be further from the truth -- but that's a story for another post.
In the mean time, perhaps this'll help:
Unleashing the Mind
As I was saying. We tripped - a lot.
Sometimes alone, sometimes with a close group of friends - we'd set out for crazy adventures of the inner space, landing in other dimensions, other universes, other states of mind, other states of being.
It's truly fascinating how versatile human consciousness can be - with the right catalyst.
It's precisely the catalyst that has been stolen away from humankind -- with most of us not even realizing that this theft took place -- a truly bizarre situation, once you become aware of what's been stolen from you.
In between the propaganda, the false statistics, the moralistic dogma, the outright lies, distortions and half-truths, the general public has been led to believe that there is nothing but suffering, hedonism and addiction in taking those substances.
You could very easily find out - take 400ug of LSD (warning: don't) and watch in awe (and terror) as everything you thought was true about this reality shattering right in front of you.

But, like most people, I know you won't.
And that's ok.
What is not ok is that the majority prevents us - the sailors of the mind, the explorers, the artists, the curious, from exploring these vast, uncharted realms of the human mind.

For daring to explore, for daring to question, we're ostracized, sent to jail..
The outcome
Having ready access to so many psychedelic substances over the years has irreversibly changed who I am and what I think about the very nature and inner workings of this reality we all share.
I'm a better friend, a better lover, a better father and a better human being for it.
I'll tell you right here, sometimes it was too much. There are things, I believe, the human mind was not designed to see.

All of this was made possible, in no small part, by Ross and people like Ross, who understood what I'm writing about here, and wanted to make all those chemical keys available to the world.
There is a fundamental right that we still don't recognize so well as a society: the right to cognitive liberty, or the right to mental self-determination.
If I want to alter my consciousness with the use of substances, many of them available and used for thousands of years, then LET ME!
Ross, like other intrepid entrepreneurs before and after him, took massive risk (and therefore deserves massive profit) to revolutionize the way people buy drugs/medicines.
Much more so than the dangers, there's real benefit, and access to experiences that only those who've been there can even begin to imagine.

My conclusions
Ross Ulbricht does not deserve to spend the rest of his days behind bars.
Sure - he broke the law.
But breaking the law is what one must do if the law is draconic, unfair, and unreasonable.
History will set things right, but in the mean time there's a young lad rotting away in prison for the crime of making some of the most wonderful tools we as a species have at our disposal to explore the essence of what makes us, us - our consciousness - available to anyone who's interested.
All over the world, drug laws are a mess -- in no small part due to the undue influence the United States has globally, in this case through the UN.
We have hundreds of thousands of people in jail for smoking plants, or eating some foul-tasting mushrooms.
Entire lives ruined at the ripe old age of 16.
Aspiring entrepreneurs like Ross sitting behind bars, his only crime being making available what should've been available to any adult in the first place.

We've got to change this.
Even if - especially if you're not interested in mind-altering substances, you must become aware of some of the barbarities that are committed on a daily basis to enforce the unenforceable.
Free Ross
Follow his mother on Steemit
Stop the Drug War
Thanks, I think Ross needs people in his corner talking about the service he offered to the world
With the appropriate precautions... why not?
Why not indeed!
That passage was aimed at psychedelic-naive people, therefore the warning: it's (arguably) not a good idea for a complete beginner to take 400ug without knowing what to expect.
Not that you can really prepare someone for that first time anyway :)
up voted and promoted even @psychonaut Keep doing what you are doing. You will do well.
full $teem ahead!
Merci !!!
Really great post @psychonaut society seems to believe what it's told too, rather than using common sense with dealing with things like drugs.
I also think it's insane to keep Ross in prison especially for life.
Just a quick suggestion as a fellow writer if you center align your images it will help with the visual flow of your articles.
Upvoted and followed I look forward to reading what you put out next :)
Thank you, your post is very encouraging.
I have centered the images (some of them, finding my style!) as you suggested, wrote a lengthier conclusion, and replaced the Terence McKenna video, and added a new one by Jason Silva at the end.
I think - hope - that those changes make the message even stronger.
Awesome stuff :) I think it flows really nice and I like the idea of using the smaller images left aligned, as a sort of header almost or at least that was the feel it gave me.
I really didn't want to sound like I was criticising you because your post was already good, it's something I have ended up doing in my own posts and I think a lot of people respond to posts just by the way they look at face value rather than reading them.
I also absolutely love your conclusion well presented, well said and definately a lot stronger!
I look forward to checking out what you put out next :)
Yeah, that's the effect I was looking for :)
Thanks for the honest feedback, it means a lot.
We'll see what I can come up with next :)
This is a well written post. Thanks for sharing it. I'm glad to see people talking about the SIlk Road more openly and sharing a reasoned opinion on the war on drugs. I think we will look back at it as one of the grand injustices of our time.
Thanks for the feedback.
There's zero doubt in my mind that this'll be the case.
Nice post, it flowed really well. Ulbricht partially went to jail for commissioning the assassination of people though.
Thank you!
Re the alleged murder charges, I wonder what @rossulbricht has to say about that.
I'm pretty sure that was brought up in the courtroom, but the charges were dropped for that part, as nothing could be proven.
Also, they never actually proved that Ross was DPR at the times of those events AFAIK.
I have the same perception.
Ah! Entirely possible. I should have put a "from what I heard" disclaimer.
Great article, thanks for sharing your experience and ideas here. Psychedelics have deeply influenced my life as well, and I look forward to reading your future posts!
Happy to meet fellow psychonauts around here :)
I agree
Just be careful
HPPD can creep up on you
True. We don't understand enough about what causes it.
Anecdotally, it seems to me that as long as you don't trip too often, are well rested, and don't take crazy combinations (including mixing with cannabis, which greatly boosts the effects for many people) , it'll most likely be fine.
Perhaps I'll write a post about HPPD later..
I have it, but just the visual aspects and it makes reading a challenge.
What triggered it? How long have you had it?
Did you mix cannabis with it?
Nearly 100% of the stories I've read over the years end up resolving themselves in less than 2 years. Hang in there!