Example is better than precept

in #proverb3 years ago

In every sphere, “example is better than precept”. That is, it is far more effective to show a learner how to do something by doing it before him correctly oneself, that merely to tell him what to do.
Learning Drill:
This is how the drill-sergeant teaches raw recruits their military drill. He first goes through the various movements himself before them, sloping arms, presenting arms, trailing arms, fixing bayonets, and so on. His pupils watch his movements, and then try to copy them.
Technical Education:
So in crafts, technical education is not picked up from books. The learner must go into the carpenter’s shop, the smithy, the engineer’s work room or the mill and watch and copy trained workmen as they actually do their tasks before him.
Importance of Moral Sphere:
But it is in the moral sphere that example is so much more effective than percept, both for good and evil. Take the training of their children by their parents. Children are very observant and are keen critics. They notice very quickly whether their father does himself what he teaches them. He teaches them it is wrong to tell lies, for example: but if he himself is untruthful, his teaching will have, but a very little effect.
Training of Children:
Children are great mimics they always try to copy their parents. If the parents are really honest, truthful, kind and unselfish, their kids will do the same as they have been seen to their parents. But on the contrary if they find their parents as unfaithful, dishonest, selfish and harsh, they undoubtedly imitate them. To set children a good example is far more important than teaching them any number of fine moral maxims, so as a bad example is far more harm than any amount of sound teaching will do them good.
Religious Teaching:
Any man who sets himself up as a moral teacher must see to it that ha does not undo all the good that his teaching might effect, by the bad example. He must practice, what he preaches, or his preaching will do more harm than good. As our Holy Prophet (PBUH) warned the Muslims to go astray from the true path. He himself set the example, and said “follow me”. So the moral teacher must follow the example of “Goldsmith Village Preacher”.
“He tried each rat, reproved each dull delay,
Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way.”
The example of real goodness set before men by a really good man will do more for morality than hundreds of eloquent sermons or tons of moral advice.