Chapters from my book "Born in ..."

in #prose4 years ago

Slavka loved his wife very much. Very, very. I was ready to forgive her everything, including infidelity. Ready? I didn't know, but I couldn't live without my Natasha. Especially since she was already seven months pregnant with his child under her heart and was preparing to become a mother.
One winter, Slavka came home from work at six o'clock as usual. At home, he was met by a frightened wife. Usually, she always made fun of him, made jokes about his small salary, groaned, stroking her lower back and stomach, complained about Slavka that he was a worthless husband and said a hackneyed phrase: I didn't cook anything, so fry yourself some eggs. And here, just like an angel-silent, guiltily lowering his eyes, in the kitchen cooked soup, even something to fry for the second. Slava washed and ate. And then Natasha says, they say, you know, just don't yell and don't swear, something happened…
... Natasha had a friend-a classmate of Irka. She is a beautiful woman, an excellent student, and also from a good, intelligent family. More than anything else in the world, Irka loved to dress beautifully and Italian music. Not the Opera, of course, but various “Ricky and Believe” or “Pupo”there. She had discs of this music and tapes like a magician with wrappers. Irka's parents, well-to-do people, spared nothing for their beautiful daughter - jeans, clothes, trips…
And Irka, spitting on the parental precepts of higher education, took and finished medical school and got a job in gynecology as a nurse. And it would have been all right, she would have turned the guys ' heads like that, but suddenly, in perestroika times, her favorite Italian named Ricardo with the typical Italian surname Foli came to Moscow with a concert…Irka threw everything - she needs to urgently attend this event. She pulled out her savings, begged for more money from her parents, pulled Levi Strauss on her cool ass, did her hair, put war paint on her face, and went to Moscow for fifteen hundred kilometers to listen to her favorite Ricardo.
Moscow spun Irka, shook her and she got together at a concert with some officer. And they walked around the night capital all night long. And they rolled around in a hotel room in a sweet embrace. And after a stormy week, the brave bearer of the moustache and epaulets left for their border guard station in the far East. Yes, and our modesty should go home. Irka arrived in her native Penates and went back to work, to routine, to the hospital. Only sensed as something nausea treacherous Irka and realized that not everything is so simple in life and determined to have a pregnancy. Oh, how!
Groaned Ira is something no one in her young have no plans! And she decided to lime the unborn child.
The doctor's friend advised her to take a bite of some kind and zabubenila Irka herself and began to expect a miscarriage. And where to expect it, if not at Natasha's best friend, and her husband is at work and she herself, a reliable girl, will not tell anyone. And went Irka to Natasha. We sat, smoked, and chatted about Moscow and the officer, about Ricardo and his other girlfriend. We washed the bones of all our friends, smoked a full ashtray of " Cosmos” and then Irka went to the bathroom. Natasha doesn't know why her best friend is calling her from there. Opens the door and sees Ira sitting on all fours in a basin with water smothers a tiny little body. Natasha gasped in surprise and began to slide to the floor - a picture she never expected to see. Irka did not tell her about her pregnancy. I couldn't tell from my tummy. A dense wench was Irka! And strong. She killed a baby, which turned out to be a boy. I put it in an empty TV box that I put in the bedroom behind the door, smoked a little more and said goodbye to "Arrivederci" and hurriedly left. Natasha sat speechless and blinked…Then I got up, cleaned up, and went to cook for Slavka. Iron men, these women!
...So, don't swear Slavka, here's the deal…And began to tell what was going on here without him. The boy's hair began to move, and his dry lips croaked: "where is the child?Natasha pointed to the box.
Slavka spread his hands, saying what should he do? But now the garbage truck will come, go and throw away the box. And Slava went and threw it away.
And two hours later, Natasha, from all that she experienced and saw, began to give birth prematurely. Slavka drove his wife to the hospital in an ambulance and kept saying that he would bring this Irka-bitch. Not nailed, she is a reptile, secretly he liked, and Natasha gave birth to a seven-month-old Lenka, who soon left with the angels..
For many years, Slavka carried this secret. Even once went to confession to the priest, who listened and said that the sin is not on Slavka, but on that maiden, on Irka. I prayed that God would forgive the grown-up man his sins. And Slava calmed down. With Natasha, he divorced a long time ago, half a year after lenchik died - a young woman went on a spree. And as for Irochka, she's all right. I got married successfully to a foreigner, went somewhere abroad, maybe to Italy and long ago forgot everything…Probably.