chemtrails over a populated icey area with no farming activity

in #proof8 years ago

still believe its about crop-dusting/pesticiding

ill tell you the truth. were the "pests" THEY are spraying for(the hierarchy enslaving you) THEY want you to know nothing. the only thing they are spraying for is to make humans dumber
Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chem-trails around the country contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, and many more carcinogenic neurologically damaging CRAP that does fuckall for the environment/plants

heres one over a fucking desert!

and over death valley!

We are all frogs in the boiling water, and chemtrails are turning up the heat.


These are not chemtrails, they are contrails, they have nothing to do with chemical spraying. They are the result of condensation from the exhaust of jet engines, hence, condensation trails.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoins through generating BOINC computations for science...

images are worth a thousand words

The first one is a dispersion pipe attached to a weather monitoring plane, just standard science. The second is a typical setup used to simulate passenger weight distribution during the flight testing of a new design, just standard engineering.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoins through BOINC computations for science...

and how do you know these things. i want links and proof. which i will think about then promptly tear apart with logic

Because I have actually seen these things. If you right click on one of your images, and select search for similar image on Google, you will be taken to a page with hundreds of links to fake news sites. Pass through them, and find a link to a site for scientists and engineers, and you will find the origin of the photos. They have simply been taken out of context.

Here is a link to a non-technical site where such equipment is discussed. If you watch Discovery channel you will also see such equipment from time to time. The barrels are filled with water to stimulate passenger load during aircraft Air Certificate worthiness trials.

until we convince enough people, taking care of our health is about the best we can do, other than education of the receptive.

i agree. we need to talk about it more when people are listening!

i made a post about this a while ago. in it i included some discussion of spectroscopy and how to use it to discover what is in the sky near you. i need to post an update of it with some of the comments and replies. i've also been working on a post about detox of some of the elements found in the atmosphere. check it out here if you want:
some of the best parts are in the comments.

Thank you for bringing light to this issue. It's more than just weather modification and the people have a right to know what the elite are doing in our skies.

no problem. can you please re-steem it and ask your followers to do the same more people need to know. at the very least you should make a post about it yourself :)

thank you! keep spreading the truth!

They are not contrails they contain heavy metals. The evidence goes back 70 years. Denial is simply ignorance of all this evidence and denial of one's own senses.

Their does seem to be weather warfare applications for this too (doubts for example). They certainly don't seem discouraged by the fact that Aluminum causes brain damage and studies show it devastates the environment. Dane W claims megatons are being sprayed world wide and that no studies were done to test this level of contamination.

I have yet to hear someone claim it is pesticides. Lol.. I should not be surprised if that happens.

thank you for your post i agree the first image should be the most damning. it CANNOT POSSIBLY be contrails as the chemtrail lines run in zig-zags all over the place and then STOP abruptly. if it was contrails the jet would have had to have crashed due to lack of fuel. any denial of that is just a lack of common sense.

And there are the all the rain water tests where man-made aluminum is found. I'm slowly making my way through the Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project book. Definitely good stuff to keep in mind if you plan to follow this on blogs. Interesting, they say the barium could be used as a radioactive tracer and that by measuring the decay they can track the full life cycle of the material. I wonder if that could be used to test the air to see which days the air is clean..

remember to comment lets chat about this!

as you guys can tell i really care about this issue! its really important! spread it around!

i dont need a fancy degree to smell bullshit

i am going to repeat myself. i do not trust mainstream science. nor do i trust peer reviewed papers which have a sample size of under 1000 people.

Condensation trails. Simple.

im gonna post these two images until you get it!

Condensation trails are a well known phenomena that could persist for hours. A chemtrail, however, would diffuse very quickly - otherwise it would fail in its specified objective.

The first image you posted above is a Boeing 777-240/LR. This is the original source of the image - . You have uploaded a photoshopped one with "Hazmat" etc added. Using barrels of water to test airplanes a standard industry procedure to simulate the movements of people. There are literally thousands of such photos, not why the conspiracy theorists chose to photoshop this one, especially as this one's easily traceable. The second image is a completely separate aircraft; a probe on research aircraft N701BN to sample the atmosphere.

Please do the bare basic of research. Confirmation bias is dangerous. Don't believe anything on the internet - only peer reviewed scientific papers. Here's a good collection of them -;

peer reviewed science papers are an echo chamber. and scientists arent paid enuough to do proper science.

also peer reviewed papers always have a fudge factor. also WHO paid for the paper matters. i saw nowhere in that paper who paid for it. its important.

also the sample size of experts is too damn small! are you kidding?! 50 experts out of thousands?edit: also what makes them experts? theyre expertise was not listed in the paper.

It seems very much like you haven't read that analysis or any of the papers it links to. It also seems like you have made up your mind, so I'll cease from engaging you any further.

I'll leave you with this page which cites hundreds of sources that'll provide some evidence -

Meanwhile, I haven't seen a single ounce of evidence from you - just disconnected images showing different things.

I hope you can leave aside your confirmation bias and accept the evidence; not through random internet websites but peer reviewed papers. Good luck.

the iop science link only has references paid by the government or owned by the government.
it does not make sense to ask the government "are you doing this" and then say "ok" when they make an ellaborate "not guilty" plea. that paper from iopscience has way too much fudge factor. i dont like fudge thanks.

apologies for the 2nd photo which is photo-shopped. but that doesent explain the first photo which has a nozzle replacing a plane window