IndonesiaThree Loving Trail Trailers Community Juang Re-born Trail Adventure 2017
IndonesiaThree Loving Trail Trailers Community
Juang Re-born Trail Adventure 2017
In the framework of the 18th Bireuen hamlet of 2017 in line with the purpose of the district government to visit Bireuen in 2018.Juang Re-born Trail Adventure which is a combination of 3 communities of the biggest biker lovers of Bireuen District consists of Trail Adventure Organization (BIROAD), Comunnity X-Trim Bireuen, and BMC Trail Adventure. who are active in local and national competitions. Conducting a reborn trail fight on 25-26 Nov 2017. Cooperation of Bireuen Regent, Bireuen Police Chief, Dandim 0111 Bireuen, Kajari Bireuen, Bireuen District Court, Dan Danyonif 113 Bireuen .
Juang - Reborn Trail Adventure activities aim to establish silahturahmi relationship with Trail Adventure lovers from all over the country at the same time want to introduce the potential of tourism beroriensitasikan natural charm of Bireuen District with the implementation of Bireuen open Trail Adventure se - indonesia event.
While the route taken through villages, plantations, forests, and mountains within the district of Bireuen.dan stay with the village forest pantee peusangan kec juli Bireuen District.
Invisible Criminal Polres Bireuen as the chief executive of the fight - reborn trail adventure.2017 hope that this event is successful and please support all parties