Let's Promo-Steem Around Us # my history about Steemit

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Why Steemit must be Promoted??




When my friends @jamhuery and @abuzenk promoted Steemit or introduce Steemit to me two months ago, I seriously learn how become a succesful Steemian from them and new steemian friends I have made around me.

if someone ask me "what is Steemit for you @ziyadhelmi ?" I can answer it by saying it could not explain word by word.

how can that be??? Since I knew Steemit two months ago, I never open or log in and search others Social media such as Facebook anylonger. Why??? my hobby is reading and writing especially about academic writing such IELTS academic writing . I usually write about news via Facebook, but it not worth for myself and it just waste the time.

I don't know where and when I can contribute and develop my skill exactly. Steemit come to me in the right time.

beside I really want to contribute my hobby in writing, I also could earn some money from Steemit.

unbelievable, Steemit really make my dream become true. just write and get paid like a talented author really.

our contribution directly paid. this is my first reason why Steemit must be promoted around us. in other word, steemit wouldreduce poverty

if you act as team Steemit promoter don't forget to choose tags:
and also you can post through https://utopian.io/ in visibility in Steemit promotion such as meet-up (Do you often contribute to Open Source projects?
Utopian.io rewards contributors like you for the hard work!)

What is my contribution for steemit so far after becoming a steemian in this two months???


I've promoted Steemit around me in Jeunieb, Bireuen Aceh, Indonesia and

I'm a founder of Jeunieb Steemit Community ( JSC) tag #JSC

JSC member: @ziyadhelmi , @saifannur-mzy @sekdes @aafadjar @musliadi06 @jafardi @harunjnb @leader-sapa @zenk05 @irwandyjnb @hendrayani23 @nyakmuh @kangded @boyedi (sorry those who did not mention name here)

A inisiator of Steemit-Students Community


Initiator team of #steemit-students community
@markop, @ikbal12, @aafadjar, @starlos, @alexandra07, @ikbal050, @hajidan, @aldercy05 @saifulsabri @ziccoalvaro and @ziyadhelmi

Who And Where is My next target #Promo-Steem

Aceh Student Community In Malaysia (especially in my university , IIUM)

Best Regard,



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Thanks so much,,, I just wanna be the best and do the best

I was surprised and happy to see all the international Steemit promotional meetings. You are doing great work! Joy

Steemit could reduce poverty,,, we get paid "earn Steem". This my first reason wanna promote steemit seriously... #promo-steem
Thanks @sweetjoy have visited my blog and apreciate mine

Interesting post! Now your post is listed in trending!

Learn more about how to keep your post on trending page / https://steewit.com/steemit/@hitmeasap/how-to-reach-the-trending-pages-posting-101

Bagaimana caranya mndapatkan bnyak follower

Komen status orang sebanyak banyaknya,,, itu aja yg harus di fokus,,, awal2 di steemit jgn byk posting status dlu

Gimana cara bergabung dengan komunitas?

Bereh that neu pernoe lon hy toke

hana payah merunoe sa4re,,,,nyoe lagei facebook sit,,,tuleh aju bagian #promo-steem
kapromo steemit keungoen katuleh,,,,kakaloen tag lagei long aju,,,

Hana rahasia laen nyeh. Haha

Hana udang dibalik dapu ulumuddin,,, sure itam yg na... Haha

Peu nyan man mksd jih. Bie lah rahasia bacut hahaha

You have received an upvote from @nicestbot. I am an automated curation bot trying to make minnows happy.

Ok,,, thanks so much

nama saya salah masbro🙄

Hahaha,,, tu salah @aafadjar,,, yg cantum pertama di steemit-Students community

tidak ada yang salah bro.. memang anggota tim @steemit-students, nama accountnya :
@starlos kok, beda ejaan sedikit sama bung @starlost--ini pakai lost-ada T ujungnya

itu bukan nama @starlost yang dimaksud,--tetapi anggota kami dengan nama account @starlos

Tq ferifikasinya,,, jgn smpai bikin mumang... Hhee

kok bikin cloning..?? dari kata2 dan penulisan semua kalian copy paste di banner, skr nama akun juga. mksud kalian apa sih.

maaf bung, kalau itu sungguh saya tidak tau.. silahkan ditanyakan kepada pemilik account @starlos.. terima kasih atas informasinya, nanti kalau ketemu orangnya saya juga akan bertanya..

Itu sudah ada sebelum kami bertemu satu sama lain,,, kami bukan berasal dari satu daerah,,,ide memunculkan steemit-students pun dari para steemian student,,, kita punya inisiatif mengembangkan dengan mega promosi,,, ya kita berinisiatif mengambil bagian dari itu.

Yang paling penting promo-steemit ini kita ingin membawa nama @Steem-ambassador... Tinggal tunggu waktu aprovenya aja,,,
Semua motto gampang diubah,,, kita harus saling mendukung satu sama lain,,, di Steemit semua harus positif,,,

Sekali lagi kalau ada kesamaan mgkn itu kelalaian atau mereka yg membuat banner terpesona dengan kata2 Manis steemit dengan reward,,, hehe

he.. he.. ya terlalu bodoh tukang bikin banner, ga kreatif,mungkin stelah da yg jumpa dia scara tidak sengaja, baru muncul ide itu.he..he..

hehehe,,, mgkn karna faktor newbie di Steemit community,,, semua masih mearaba-raba,,,
tq bg @starlost kritiknya,,,kita harus melakukan yg terbaik untuk dri sndri dan org lain,,,

Bg @aafadjar and @ziyadhelmi sy boleh gabung mega promo steemit-studen ya. Tulis nama saya ya, salah tak apa yg penting boleh gabung......

Ok,, akan saya tules nama yg salah ya...
Terima kasih... Hahah

We are all changing for the better don't you all agree 👍⭐❗

thank you for sharing an interesting post

nyan ka long mention nan droeneuh lam JSC,,,heheh
laen hana long tusoe lee sbb hana deuh lam tag JSC

hehehe hana pu2 bg, na kali laen =)