Call For Newbies To Play Their Part:::: Vote Steem to get listed on NETCOINs
Steemjetnewbies is calling on all Members of the community to Vote for STEEM to get listed for free on NETCOINs.
It is worthy to note that voting is done daily and we are really relying on our community strength to pull this through.
We’ve attached an extra incentives to compensate you for your time.

How To Vote
Follow the steps below to vote:
Go to
Scroll to the bottom of the page directly and search for “STEEM” from the list of the nominated coins. Add your email id in the text box and click on “VOTE”
You will be then asked to confirm your vote by confirming your email address.
You will get this email, just click on the link to confirm your vote.
Once you click on the link in the email, your vote will be confirmed.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to VOTE for STEEM and not NOMINATE as STEEM has been NOMINATED already.
Once you complete all the above steps, Send us a proper screenshot by dropping it as a comment on this post and we will vote you at 50% VP until we run out of resources.
Here is the link to the official press release from @oracle-d
Thanks for the support @steemjetnewbies
Thank you @steemjetnewbies for supporting this task.
Thanks @steemjetnewbies!

thanks @steemjetnewbies
this is my vote tor steem
my vote for steem
I voted, made a post about it and also set a reminder to vote daily (which I've been doing)
Together, let's take steem to the moon.
this is my vote for steem
my vote for steem
this is my vote for steem
my vote for steem