The Results in Our Life will Differ Based on The Way We Rely on Things
All that I know is that we can rely on Steemit and the possibilities that it gives us
"I tried to look in the distance, lifting myself to the top of my legs, but I did not see the stretch that is seen in the height. When you stand in a tall place and wave to someone, your hand does not get longer, but it's seen from far away. If you shout in the direction of the wind, your voice is is not stronger, but the listener hears it very clearly. If you go with a horse-chaise, your feet does not get faster, but you can cover a long distance. If you're sailing with a boat, you do not become by this, a better swimmer, but you can ride big and small rivers. When he is born, the accomplished man does not differ from others, he is different from others because he knows how to rely on things during his life."
by Sun Tzu (cca 313 - 235 BC)

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Cu siguranta steem are potential .Sa speram ca piata isi va reveni zilele astea .Postarile si activitatea pe Steemit a scazut drastic din cauza asta