The Akwanga Blockchain/Steemit Workshop: Promoting Steem In My Local Community

in #promo-steem6 years ago

I was supposed to do this since March but I wanted to fix myself up well enough with necessary knowledge about the blockchain/cryptos before I start organizing seminars and workshops for others.

I served in Akwanga, Nasarawa state and I spend a lot of time there these days . I understand that a lot of youth corps members serving in that local community have lots of skills which needs to be introduced to the Steem ecosystem. Some are talented musicians, others have skills in arts, dancing, blogging, web development, programming, trading etc. So, after some discussion with other Steemit members in the local community, we've decided to host a training for corps members and others within Akwanga, Nasarawa state.

This event is hosted by me together with @joyce-okpobo, @godsnana and @rankyb. While I focus on running logistics for the event. The rest of the team members are really working hard towards publicity. There's no better publicity than the words of testimony which they have offered to many other corps members as evidence that the Steem blockchain is worth investing in.

The workshop will hold this Friday, 22nd of June, 2018 by 2pm. According to the information given to us by @joyce-okpobo, we are looking at about 40-60 attendees so I've booked the mini hall at Bedge Bell 701 hotel, Akwanga as the venue for the event. More information can be seen on the flyer above.


This is going to be a very successful event targeted a small group of 40-60 members. We want to target smaller audience so we'll ensure there's adequate attention given to all participants and no one is left behind. To ensure the successful hosting of this workshop, the following preparations have been made:

  • Booking for the Mini Hall at Bedge Bell 701 Akwanga, Nasarawa State. This hall is suitable for small group meetings. It is big enough to accommodate the number we need and small enough to eliminate the need for public address system.

  • @joyce-okpobo have negotiated for refreshments so for those attending. There's enough to go round.

  • I'm yet to hire for a projector set and screen for the event. This will be done today and also will negotiate on public address system in case the number increase and there's need for one.

Speakers The Workshop

I met @xpency during my first week on Steemit. He has been on Steemit for longer than a year and have more experience than most of us. I picked him as our main speaker because he has more experience talking to corps members. You can see him in the photo below addressing corps members in Abuja.

At the event, he will be our main speaker for the day speaking on the basic of blockchain technology and Steem blockchain in particular.

He's a self made open source contributor who have made quite some contributions to in many categories including data analysis, graphics, tutorial, social media visibility etc. We served together in Akwanga here, so some of the corps members when will be attending the workshop knew him while he was here and will receive words of his testimony about the Steem blockchain readily.
Also, he told me before he joined Steemit in January he had no experience in social media campaigns or data analysis but have learned gradually through the months by consistently contributing to Utopian-io. He will speak to participants who have technical skills like data analysis, web development, programming etc on how to contribute to Steemit with their skills.


Off course as the host I'll speak on quite a lot of things but mostly will talk on building your dreams and passionrs on the Steem blockchain. I am a believer in dreams and I believe in the Steem blockchain too. So I'll spend more time convincing people that Steem/Steemit is beyond just a blogging platform but a virtual world where one can pitch his/her dreams and watch it blossom.

I'm really grateful to my team members;
@joyce-okpobo and @godsnana


Most of them are still new to the system and trying to find their niche and strength in the community but they have offered themselves to help spread the message about Steem and cryptocurrency to everyone in their local community to their fellow corps members. Truly this is one of the most effective ways of achieving global adoption for Steem. Start by preaching the words to your family, friends and you local community. Do check out their blogs and support them to grow and stand strong in the community.

The funds for this event will be handled by us organizers. We'll also appreciate any support to us for this project. And if you have any family and friends living in Nasarawa, do share this post to them. We'll be glad to have them attend the workshop.

Thank you.


Wahoo this lovely @james great idea but hope you will organise something like this around the south western part of the country one day really love the idea

You can organise something even among your friends and colleagues in the university. Like I mentioned, the fastest and best way to achieve adoption for Steem if for us to start massive campaigns in our own local community.

100% upvoted and resteemed, and nice showing that one now fampus post by @xpency that @thejohalfiles boosted to the top of trtending that same day when he helped me @tj4real @ortigas100 @mcsamm and xpency all with $1000-$2000 quadtratic reward upvotes and it was LIFE changing! That Xpency post "Success #2 showing steem to 200 people in Nigeria" i recognized its pictures used here in your post and it reminds me of good memories!

@xpency and I and @mcsamm @tj4real all ned to make a serious talk one of these dys casually tallking about our last year on steem and how weve all progressed from 0 to where we are now. I would love to get a documentary made by @chronixx and @richforever on this topic and @richforever @anaman @kwakumax even newer steemians like @steemgh and @kofpato all need to be in this documentary to showcase all the acomplishments Steem Ghana has done, and match them up with Steem nigeria successes and we will have a HUGE Supply of West AFrican Steem SUccess stories t showcase the world of cryptocurrency investorsd who may be looking for project sthat can make them money AND help developing economies! LOT of money to be made in Africa Together with Africans! We arent colonizing Africa we are helping Afriucans to upgrade AFrica and they help Steem with their Numbers their Developers their labor pool and the fac that Africans use steempower as their primary form of savings account instead of local fiat banks, so imagine 1 millin africans each saving up just $1000 each in steempower... thats $1 BILLION dollars worth of steempower that africans will invest into steem in the fuyture even as steem is far above $4 (because to hgave 1 billion dollar marketcap for a 269 million token cryptocurrency requires almost $4 steem to have 1 billion doillar marketcap :)

so if africans on steem got just 1 million of their countrymen and women to join steem and we had 1 million africans on steem, and every one of them applied for grants all around teh world and worked hard to just save up $1000 worth of bitcoin to buy and power up in Steempower, that would be $1 million times $1000 and that definitley equals $1 billion dollars worth now just imagine 10 million africans doing this, that means that africa could add 10 BILLION to the steem blockchain , that would push steem to over $37 dollars per steem and i forsee Africans choosing steem over their local currencies and investment instruments as decentralized digital crypto is going to allow them to use their savings no matter where they go, no more having to find black market traders just to vcash out local fiat currencies to us dollars like in Zimbabwe ! I know Nigeria and Ghana dont have THAt problem but still all fiat currencies even in USA all go down thanks to inflation so we will see peopel in Africa choosing crypto and not just any ut steem because steem is more than a bank but its like a JOB that lkets you EARN more money!

so anyway VIDEOS man we need more videos on dtube dlive facebook instagram and especially youtube (upload teh same video to all thsoe platforms) and we need videos explaining WHY africa can bring steem to the top 10 just because africans can use steem as their primary edonomic tool instead of fiat and iut willa ctually strengthen their fiuat currencies, not totaly replace tyhem over night so lcal governments wont ban them, theyll LOVE th3em its injecting LIQUID CASH into african economies for example when peopel want to BUY local ghanian cedis or Nigerian naijas with crypto trhats a GOD send for the local african fiat currencies, that peopeo are WANTING iot and DEMANDING them for crypto!

most peopel on steem worry about cashing out their crypto like steem or bitcoin into local fiat paper money they can buy food with.... but the magic trick is that whoever is giving worthless paper fiat for valuable scarce crypto is really teh winner... that crypto works all around teh world and in developed countersiu can also buy food etc bu also in Ghana and Nigeria more an dmroe stores accept the bitcoin too! so we will see peopel accepting bitcoin instead of fiat and steem and sbd id just a few cliocks aeway from bitcoiu tyhanks to @blocktrades

so yeah anyway man VCERY exciting @yensesa is also very exciting to see Ghanian s having a functioning exchange using mobile money and it should get working in Nigeria one day soon :D its a whoel new world man

steem will create hundreds of millions of jobs throughout Africa in teh next 10 years! $400 steem is very realistic in 2 years

Wow this is beautiful. Steem is for everyone . we can't keep waiting for the government to do anything for us. Weldone Dad ;)

Yes, the power is in our hands. Build your dreams.

You are truely a great man... Not all person can come up with this initiative.

From the moment you sent me a post which was actually like a turning point in my life because you made me see life from a different perspective and to see things as an opportunity to grow not paying attention to the negativity. And most importantly helping me see reasons to appreciate persons with sense of humor, and inculcating it in myself. That was when my view of you changed and I see greatness in you right away. All my years of experience hasn't brought me close to someone who could spur me up the way you did, you actually spoke like a brother.

Bro you are really a leader and I pray you go far beyond this in life. @Dimimp will be proud of having you as his right hand man. Please continue the good and Honest work you are doing and am sure definitely that the sky will be your starting point. Thanks once more

Thank you Kofi, I'm glad I was able to help and I'm more happy that you accepted the words. Stay strong and keep Steeming

I remember those days I used to talk with you about this and we would go out to meet Corps members with the message of blockchain technology, steemit and its numerous opportunities. Yet they found it difficult to understand us, to grab the message, to conceptualize this.

Everything seemed like an abstract, and I kept worrying you about reaching out to them and my dreams of truly bringing them to the knowledge of this. I'm happy to see that those dreams are finally coming true once again with this particular event. And I'm particularly impressed that @joyce-okpobo is getting involved with this.

Indeed, Dreams do come true!

Yes, dreams do come true. And I'll be talking to them that the Steem blockchain can help their dreams to come true.

I would be there live and direct. Thank you all for this opportunity to impact lives

Mehn.. LordRutherford.. Your works are beautiful. Kudos to u brother... I wan b like u oo.

An incredible idea I loved good work I hope you can develop throughout the country greetings and success @lordjames

Hey man i want to tell something you. its emergency & personal. so please give me your facebook account. its steemjet related. someone fraud with steemjet community. so please.

You can contact me on discord or telegram with lordjames. I can't remember the last time I was on Facebook.

I deleted my facebook for the fifth time...several months ago..
never regreting or wanting to go back or to make a new profile...
I #steemhigh since then! :)
It is true that community is very strong here! :)
So much creative energy!

then please give me your telegram link.

Thank You brother. I will send you some text. I hope you read it.

Yes!!!! 💃💃💃
Am right on time, I would definitely try to attend it.
@lordjames expect me ..
And this is a great initiative, am impress.

Wow! i love your spirit @lordjames and I guess the event will be amazing. Lets keep up the work, Cheers!

Sure it will be. We need to talk man. Sorry that I have been off for a while.