in #promo-steem6 years ago

on 28th of April 2018 been Saturday, I paid a visit to to the poor and helpless people in neighborhood to give food items and little financial support.
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Nigeria is a country rich with abundant natural resources but most of the citizens are suffering .
more than 30% are going to bed hungry .
First and foremost, i would like to applaud the effort of so many steemitians out here trying to extend the hands of love to the less privileged children out here who has nothing to feeds on, nothing to wear, no education neither do they even have a parent that can take a good care of their needs. It's no news that the rate at which children die every year is very high and needs to do whatever assistance we can render to humanity .

An estimated 2.5 million Nigerian children under the age of five suffer from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) every year – an extremely dangerous condition that makes children nine times more likely to die from common childhood illnesses such as such as diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria. Every year, nearly 420,000 children under five die as a result of this deadly combination in Nigeria.
Undernutrition in children causes direct structural injury to the brain and impairs infant motor development and exploratory behavior. Children who are undernourished before age two and gain weight quickly later in childhood and in adolescence are at high risk of chronic diseases related to nutrition.
Studies have found a strong association between undernutrition and child mortality. Once malnutrition is treated, adequate growth is an indication of health and recovery. Even after recovering from severe malnutrition, children often remain stunted for the rest of their lives. Even mild degrees of malnutrition increases the risk of mortality for respiratory and diarrheal disease mortality and malaria. This risk is greatly increased in more severe cases of malnutrition. Undernourished girls tend to grow into dwarf adults and are more likely to have small children.
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Prenatal malnutrition and early life growth patterns can alter metabolism and physiological patterns and have lifelong effects on the risk of cardiovascular disease. Children who are undernourished are more likely to be short in adulthood, have lower educational achievement and economic status, and give birth to smaller infants. Children often face malnutrition during the age of fast growth, which can have long-lasting impacts on health.

In Nigeria, we often see kids under the age of five years trading on the street with the knowledge of knowing what education is, which is very bad. It was always break my heart sometimes when i see some kids in that position and believe me, someone like that would never grow up to understand what the importance of education when all she grew up to is sell and either join bad friends. Most of them get influenced to engage in drug abuse, domestic violence, prostitution, thieves and so on. If we can't try to keep them off the street, their bad deeds is still going to affect us either directly or indirectly.
It is very painful to see that government often loot money in names of IDP, NGO and Charity thereby dverting the funds into rheir personal pocket which is very bad. Inknow i dont have much to give but believe, this is the first time i would be doing this and inhope it turn out to be a success.



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