Promo-steem Roadshow - At Leeds University 21 Sept 2017

in #promo-steem7 years ago

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On thursday, four members of the #promo-steem / #promo-uk team went out to tell the students of Leeds University about Steemit.

So some of us from the #promo-uk / #promo-steem core team @starkerz, @ashleypeat, @tomasgeorge and myself hit the streets, bars and campus of Leeds University, armed with flyers, business cards and a whole bunch of chat. We were keen to bring the message to brilliant, creative, fun people who had never heard of Steemit....And did we do that!

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@starkerz car boot filled with Steemit promotional goodies

We gave out free t-shirts and hats, and had a whale of time encouraging literally hundreds of smart, funny, beautiful people to come and try Steemit out, and we got a great reception and had a whole lot of fun.

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we met these cool guys by the refectory


we never figured out if these two were promoting a church or a nightclub!

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This group just ate up the steemit message

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@ashleypeat definitely not just talking to pretty girls. Honest!


we stopped for a pint at lunch and met this guy, Charlie. He was in the same bar, a bit messier about 8 hours later when we went out that night!


this guy was a total dude

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these overseas students lapped up the whole Steemit message!

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Lovely group. could have spent all day with them!

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@ashleypeat and @anarcotech increasing our social capital by hanging out with these guys

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this lot were just a scream. Loved meeting them!

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@starkerz with miss shy and miss not so shy

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@starkerz spent an inordinate amount of time talking to this russian girl. In fluent russian

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@anarcotech being smooth....oh yeah, er we did speak to some blokes too you know...

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some of the others we met

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a well earned pint after hours of talking to cool people about Steemit

All in all we reckon we brought the Steemit message directly to somewhere in the region of about 150 people who listened intently and all promised to check it out. There are plenty more pictures to show, and I'll bob them on here later.

If you were one of these people, and you've signed up to Steemit, please leave us a comment so we can connect with you. You were all brilliant.


pocketsend:101@anarcotech, have fun!

Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: cron
Receiving Account: anarcotech
New sending account balance: 994082
New receiving account balance: 100
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d8e988ecefe48a31d2c022334fb398c99a538aba
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Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: cron
Receiving Account: anarcotech
New sending account balance: 994082
New receiving account balance: 100
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d8e988ecefe48a31d2c022334fb398c99a538aba
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Thanks for the pocketcoin @cron :)

Hi I congratulate you guys on the good initiative, I'm also planning to go to the poor country like( Indonesia , Veitnam, Nepal,Thailand ,...........) .And explain to them steemit and how it's work and can make money from #steemit , basically their currencies very low so when they change money from US dollar to their currencies, they will get a good amount, for example $300 equivalent 3.000.000 rupiah, enought to survive a family .

Hi @tamaris. When you do, blog about the experience. We will all upvote you!

this is great news!! please could you tag your posts with #promo-steem and #promo-yourcountry as we are constantly scanning this tag for great promotional work, so that we can resteem and upvote!! good luck!

Hi @anarcotech, What a great day. It was fantastic to meet you, had a great day promoting Steemit and banter.

Me too dude. You and Tomas are absolute fucking legends. Was a pleasure to hang out with you!

What an AWESOME day! So many cool people on steemit! Nice to meet u @anarcotech!

@starkerz, you're a proper top dude. Had such a cool couple of days with you, and surprised how much we had in common. Hope you had a safe journey back home....

Thank man! same here! absolutely top!! STEEMON on bro!

Awesome post!! I had a blast and thanks for inviting me :)

Me too man. Great to see you, and man have you got some game!

Was nice meeting you when you came down to Leeds. Gutted I had to go play football instead of going out for some beers with you guys!

Another time man. I was in Leeds near the uni again today. But I didn't speak to anyone about Steemit there. However, I did talk to two blokes in the hot-tub at the spa underneath where I live today, and they are eating up the Steemit Message. Gonna follow you.

Thanks mate. We had a great day and hopefully brought loads of lovely new people to Steemit.

Great topic for a new competition, I really like it. Upvote and resteem.


I'm fairly new to Steemit and had no idea there was a promo team. What a full job you guys have. I've been bitten by the Steemit bug and sing its praises all over the place now too.

I still feel it's complicated for old farts like me, but I persevered and figured it out (most of it). I credit @mericanhomestead for leading me here. I have watched several of their videos on YouTube talking about how they were making the switch over to Steemit and I really wanted to follow them.

Little did I know I would love it so much that I wanted to get involved too. Steemit feels like home, like a welcoming community, albeit in its infancy stage. I'm happy I'll be here to herald in the masses.

Thanks for your comment @themerrylotus. The #promo-steem team are a proper awesome bunch of folks, and I'm really honoured to be a big part of it.