My Senior Prom Experience

in #prom6 years ago

Well last weekend was my first and probably last prom and what an interesting experience it was.
We started the night with pictures of course and that will be most of this post. Then we went to the event at one of our local ski resorts, Squaw Valley, at the very top. My friends and I found our seets and wandered around a bit, just talking to people until dinner. The dinner was pretty good but not as good as stuff @scottshots makes. It was just spaghetti, lasagna, some chicken, veggies, and salad. Well also some pretty amazing breadsticks.
My friend Andrew actually ran into a pole and dropped all of his food and had to get back in the now extremely long line.
It was kind of slow after that just walking around since the music wasn't that great and the moshpit was treacherous. There was a piano in the back room that I got to play for a little while to entertain all of my friends and make some new ones. Our prom king's girlfriend didn't get queen and they were bummed for a while. Kids can be so mean. After it was all over we went to one of our friend's house. Of course in the next few days I learned of more prama like people leaving their dates for other people. Welcome back to highschool bull everybody.

Now on to more photos!

This one above is right outside the tram building with my best friend, Angel.

This is in the building

This was on the deck

This is Andrew and me

At the after party. Don't worry ot was sober.






Hope you enjoyed the pics!
See ya guys next time


Oh shoot, I looked down at that last photo! Haha! Looks like you had fun. Funny about Andrew's food lol!

Yeah it was cool and lol he was talking to someone and just wiped out.