Spiral Project Management Methodology in Healthcare

#Is it the Right Choice for Independent Medical Practices?

This article is originally published in Data Driven Investor https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/spiral-project-management-methodology-in-healthcare-4d1d1aae8398

Photo by Fabrizio Chiagano on Unsplash

Project management is nothing short of applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to activities to meet the requirements of a temporary endeavor or “project.” As every business within the healthcare realm can be labeled as a single project at a given time and place, therefore one can without difficulty assume that a medical practice is, in fact, an endeavor with multiple sub-projects.

Most clinicians probably are not familiar with various project management tools, as not routinely, it is thought within the scope of the medical school curriculum. However, every independent physician, whether employing a trained “Medical Practice Manager” or not, is unconsciously following some form of project management scheme in their day-to-day practice.

Today, clinics that utilize standard project management tools find themselves well-aligned with contemporary medical practice challenges. And those who don’t just pull themselves out of their Comfort zone and embrace the new way of tackling daily projects.

For the past few years, I have been studying various project management methodologies. And since almost all of them have merely originated from industries other than healthcare, I have been more enthusiastic about finding the perfect project management tool that would address the needs of today’s independent medical practice. The answer I found is as follows: There is always an excellent tool, but that perfect Project management methodology is not the perfect one for every practice and scenario.

In my earlier publications, I have summarized various project management tools that would come in handy in physician practice, such as Agile, Lean, and Waterfall methods. I have also indicated some hybrid models as well. In this piece, I would like to elaborate on another Project management tool, the Spiral Methodology. Continue Reading @ https://www.adamtabrizmd.com/post/spiral-project-management-methodology-in-healthcare