
Cool I’ll try that out with “”” strings which have been coming in handy a lot lately

This is a really good tip, I am just starting to learn some Python. F-strings are going to save me so much time 😬

These remind me of those

multiline ${thingies}`

which are pretty neat. It's nice to see that they are also in Python. Another reason to give it a try, since I've been neglecting it for a while in favour of JS.

Thank you, I try to support specific code examples and technique advice whenever I have voting power to offer. Keep them coming, I will have to give this method of string formatting a try, adding error handling of sorts to the example would be of value, as during runtime I presume errors are likely.

thank you nice blog nice post sharing.

a very great post I really like a friend. please help me friend.

I have no idea what I just read lol but I'll let Frank (@fstmaurice) know about f-strings. He writes code, so he'll understand this language. In my mind, I'm thinking F for Frank, f-strings, fffffff, and then my mind went to farts.

I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute.

Very interesting, very useful ..

Something very useful ..