How to become a web-developer in 2017? Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #programming8 years ago

Let's make a follow up. I might consider making a longer series on this.

The first step you need is to learn HTML as it is a standard for creating websites and every website relies on HTML. However the important thing to note is that HTML and CSS(cascading style sheets) are not programming languages. They are markup languages. See it is a big difference.

HTML is used to create a basic skeleton of your website, in which you put in data which is later on displayed. For example:

p> Contact /p>

Before each p you must add <

I couldn't solve it better, steem doesn't allow me to post actual html code ;(

It will make a black contact show up on your website. No styling, no fonts at all. HTML is the simpliest and the most fundamental that's why you must learn it first. In order to style HTML, we are using CSS.

color: red;

This will make our contact red. Websites rely heavily on css as it provides styling, without it, we would see only black text on every website. Thus you are learning HTML + CSS.

The difference between a markup and programming language isn't the easiest to explain. In markup languages you can define what's displayed and how it is displayed but you can not do iterations and can not make decisions. Thus it is used to create static websites and to make an interactive website you will need a JavaScript (it is not completely accurate, I know, but this is a beginners guide, if you have a better explanation post below).

That's why as a first programming language I reccommend to learn Karel the dog. You can find it free in the link below:

Why Karel? It is a very basic intro to programming. JavaScript is considered one of the easiest languages to learn however it is significantly harder than learning Karel :) And I think that if you solve it, the learning curve will become less steep for you. Take your time. I think that it was written for kids, but it doesn't matter, if this guide is your first step in programming, then you are a programming kid and Karel will be a cool experience for you. It is easy enough that it will not discourage you and at the same time, it will make you think like programmers do.