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RE: Are You a Self-Taught Programmer?

in #programming8 years ago

Though there is much to being self taught, at the higher complexity levels (language design, kernel/hardware etc). Also remember, that there are many many bad programmers. Many. So how many GOOD self taught programmers are there?


I think your question starts from the wrong place. I have worked with many shit programmers that have been through formal education.

For me there are two types of programmers

  • Those that learnt to code because they think $$$$
  • Those that code because they love code

Given the choice I will work along side the second category all day and avoid the first at all costs.

The better question being what is the % of good programmers that are self taught vs formally trained :)

yeah I agree with this point . (Y)

Lot's there's content all over that is advanced for web developers, you just usually have to pay for it.