Week 2.1 - "Weather station Project"
Week 2.1
Weather station project

In this update I will be talking about the simple circuit I designed and biult this week. the image above shows a "weather station" or more accurately a temprature and humidity sensor attached to an arduino and a LCD screen.

This was the first section of my project towards my robotics degree, it envolved me looking up data sheets for the components, learning to program C++ which wasnt fun after coming from languagues such as PHP and Python, and assembling it all together on a prototyping board.
I know this is only a basic circuit however in the future i plan to add a brightness sensor that can detect how bright it is in lumens. and possibly even a form of wind turbine to measure wind speeds. however for an introduction to arduinos and components i think this was quite sucessful
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. your support means alot!