Understanding Professionalism

What does it mean to you? A Title?
Do you count yourself a professional because you have worked in and served organisations for a very considerable long period of time?
Does possessing a college degree in a particular field mean Professionalism to you?
Do you think professionalism means working as hard as you can?
Do you know that what you think or how you view Professionalism is the degree/rate of your attributes in whatever services you render professionally?
Yes, Believe it or not, your views can not change the fact.
The concept of Professionalism can not be over emphasized in anyway.
We have to go further to acquaint to this concept through some necessary definitions of terms in relation to Professionalism.

In business affairs, there are Ethical Standards, Conducts, Skills and Special Knowledge. These Ethics, Conducts, Skills, and Knowledge are what the organizations(group of individuals) houses and renders as services. This concept is called Profession
Before we can get the right view of the word PROFESSIONALISM, we have to firstly take a look at what Profession is.
PROFESSION has a broad meaning depending on the context.
In regard to Business, MERRIAM-WEBSTER defines PROFESSION as;
- A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.
- A principal calling, vocation, or employment.
- The whole body of persons engaged in a calling.
Profession is an Occupation, practice, or vocation requiring mastery of a complex set of knowledge and skills through formal education and/or practical experience. Credit

From the definition of Profession, we can easily define who a Professional is.
To me;
A professional is a person who is believed/looked upon to not only have acquired or achieved a level of proficiency and certification, but also Practices Skillfully and Ethically in a calling or profession to satisfy both himself and others.
BUSINESS DICTIONARY defines a Professional as;
A Person formally certified by a professional body of belonging to a specific profession by virtue of having completed a required course of studies and/or practice. And whose competence can usually be measured against an established set of standards. credit

The aim of a profession is for Professionalism.
Professionalism is beyond wearing a coat. Its not a title but an attitude, level of competence or excellence expected of a professional.
Instead of this often self acclamation of the word **PROFESSIONAL as if a TITLE, its better to look at some Characteristics/Qualities that identify a Professional. This i believe will help for our self discovery and necessary adjustments would be made wherever we default.

The qualities of a professional;
How positive have you affected your circle-of -influence at work place? Or do you always try to make excuses for your mistakes or blame someone else? As a Professional, you are accountable for the quality of your work with your client. This quality is one of the most vital in Professional careers. Always be responsible and accountable for your actions. That's what makes a professional.HONESTY
Professionals are always focused to avoid discrepancies. They don't justify or tolerate dishonesty of any sort by others.APPEARANCE
First impression matters. Maintaining your organisational dress code standards adds value to your organisational formal image. Its a sign of excellence and competence to the concept of professionalism. Wrinkled/rumpled jacket is same as wearing a ripped jeans to a cooperate firm. Dress neat and your cloth pressed.COMMUNICATION
Communication skill is one of the vital quality that qualifies a professional. Professionalism hinges on communication. The ability of a person to communicate both in writing and verbally goes a long way in professionalism. Professionals always listen attentively, ask questions and speak when necessary.MISSION
A Professional doesn't just engage in work without knowing the goal, objective and mission of the organisation. He is always acquainted with the organisational project vision.DEMEANOR
Professionals don't easily get nervous even in tensed situations. They are always bold and polite.

Time management is a very important quality required in professionalism. One can not say to be a professional without being able to manage his time and self. Coming to work few minutes before time. You should endeavour to be time conscious even when going for lunch breaks . Arriving at meeting in time as well speaks good of a diligent employee.

Respect your colleagues, and people around you at all time. Respect people's opinions too. Don't look down on even the new employees because you feel you are more experienced than they are. Respect and Tolerance makes the team stronger.CONFIDENTIALITY
Professionals always keep sensitive information about the organisation confidential. Many organisations demand confidentiality on some personal information from their employees. Example are: Employees Salaries Pay Slips, organisational Banking information etc. Professionals don't disclose such sensitive information to strangers or even to the individuals in the team in some cases.TEAM PLAYERS
Professionals are team players, in the sense that they contribute to the organisational work force. They always cover gaps when there are weaknesses among some team players to avoid competitors from using that as an advantage over them.
I believe you have learned from this overview of Professionalism and who a Professional is?
There are still more to say about professionalism but these Overview can help build a foundation for more research.
Thanks much for the time.
Compiled by @uniqueknowledge for @euronation
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Thanks for dropping it, even as you speak like a lecturer here. I learnt from it.
I love the act of professionalism it make someone the master of it work any work we find ourselves let try to be the best in what we do and so we can be called professional in that field
What is worth doing is worth doing well.
Whatever your hand finds so doing, do it well.