It is very interesting that people suffering from infectious

in #probability7 years ago

t is very interesting that people suffering from infectious diseases change their psyche. Why such people are often engaged in unusual psychology. Clinical psychologists Sometimes people who suffer from heavy ones like to treat people around. This is also such an interesting indicator. Perhaps they do it unconsciously but the desire to spread the infection psychologically or physically to other people unfortunately inherent here is such people so I eat I have to be cautious of course I remember the situation from practice when a young wife's mother in law constantly transferred some food problems arose gastrointestinal Kish go to erosive colitis that is there a permanent disorder of the intestine a young woman could no longer work You are constantly experiencing discomfort and naturally desires of a certain kind and only when I use this food that is, as if it had been removed by his hand, and it is not by chance that many researchers, as far back as the 19th century, have been writing lights on the water and we still know that the wate