If You Use the Internet, You MUST See and SHARE THIS VIDEO!

in #privacy8 years ago

MOST people don't take their online privacy seriously. (I know I didn't) They need to realize the VERY REAL danger they're in when they access the internet unprotected: Doesn't matter if they're on a public WiFi connection or at home. They are fare game! Period.

They say in life, there are no guarantees. But I have a guarantee for ya. If you EVER access the internet at any time for any reason from your computer or portable device without some heavy duty protection, I guarantee you have a 100% chance that someone (government agency, internet service provider or online hacker) is not only watching what you watch, they're recording what you watch and they're selling that information to people who pummel you with target specific ads. And that's not the half of it! How would you like your identity stolen, your credit cards taken or your bank account hacked into? How would you like to be censored from watching the content you wanna watch?

You'll wanna check out my latest video. I'm convinced EVERYBODY needs to see it. See if you agree. If you got something positive out of it, upvote, resteem and follow me for more content.

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Here's your link for 20% to get the best online protection money can buy! https://virtualshield.com/highimpact

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and alt text It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!


Yes I saw ads on facebook thats related to my google search history. Its not a good feeling!

hell yeah this is what i am talking about. Very practical and important information!
Thank you for the recommendation Brian. My older brother is alot more computer savvy than I am. I will see what his thoughts are on it and act accordingly. Appreciate the video.