Presence is money.

in #presence7 years ago

10207311135077078.jpg 33:15New International Version (NIV)
15 Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.

Everyone on this earth has money; a wealth so large that we possess by default. When you choose to be with anyone at any particular time, you actually spend. Presence is a wealth we all have. Many times when there is an addition to a family, that newborn can draw goodwill to the home with his or her presence.

Ladies at times despise some men just because they do not have tangible substance known as money. But the young chap carrying an inviting aura should be appreciated just like cash. Poverty is beyond not having money, but when an individual draws irritation from the people just by his presence, he is indeed poor notwithstanding his bank account. Some get to a place and the place becomes gloomy. While some other get to the same place and lighten up the atmosphere: They are winsome and gracious.

We should appreciate those who make us smile just as those who give us handouts- perhaps more than handouts. Don't trivialize the wealth a healthy presence holds. Watch out for those whose presence brings you love, joy and peace. Don't let them slip away, draw them close as you celebrate them- make the vibes that surround you, healthy.

With the backdrop of this, you can understand why Moses demanded that God's presence goes with them, or else, they will not leave the spot they were. Presence is so critical, so check the presence around you. And to add a balance: What presence are you giving the people that come your way? You are rich, you just have to know how to spend the currency of your presence or aura. Ensure you don't become bankrupt where your presence is concerned. Note that you won't spend your money recklessly, so likewise be deliberate about those you spend the money of your presence on.