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RE: Pennsif's Progress - The Days are Numbered // Day 949 : The State of the Prep - 50 Day Review

in #prepping8 years ago

Lots of food for thought here and some great ideas. Makes me want to look into any acreage again.

A couple of thoughts occurred to me. You are getting the septic tank emptied regularly; what would considerations be if in the long term that service was no longer available? Would you turn to composting toilets? For me, water is so scarce here that as much as I prefer a flushing toilet I keep coming back to a composting or vermiculture toilet as the best option.

Also, why are you personally not sure on doing broilers again? I've come to the conclusion myself that I probably wouldn't have purpose raised meat birds, as there are plenty of other sources that come with breeding animals anyway. Few people want male chickens and quail after all. However, I'm waffling now and I was wondering why you are not sure about raising them again.


I have wondered about what we would do if couldn't get the septic tank emptied commercially. I'm guessing we might try to do it ourselves by some means. Then we could keep all our toilets, shower and bath fully operational.

Regarding broilers, I'm hoping to swap to dual purpose birds if I can find the right breed - possibly Ixworths or something similar.

I'd love to hear your what you decide on the dual purpose birds and if you can figure out a way to empty the septic tank. Do you know if the sludge from it can be composted somehow?

I'll do a post when I do make a move on the next chicken breeds.

Septic tank sludge - will need to research this for sure.