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RE: 1000 Followers and Zero Motivation
Hi GP,
Yeah, I'm struggling with the motivation to :( Doesn't help when all the cryptos are taking a dive too.
The water/methanol project on the car has been a struggle (not really seeing any benefits) and might decide to buy a proper kit.
Not much happening prepping wise either apart from taking a mate and his daughter to the woods for some fun. I managed to get them to bite into a sloe berry; watching them screw their faces up LOL (super sour).
Take care bud,
Hey man, #CheckYourPreps is coming (October) I think that might motivate me a bit. Hopefully. Need to check them anyways.
Hi GP, yeah I agree. I'm far overdue a sort through :)
Plus, we might be house moving next year so the more I can 'thin' now the better.