A Beginners Emergency Preparedness Methodology - Lines of Deliniation

A good prepper will always consider new ideas and alternatives to their preparedness plans in order to help them evaluate and or tweak their prepping system.
This should help avoid stagnation and to maybe even stream-line Tactics, Techniques or Procedures to increase efficiency.
It is NOT all about Gear, Guns & Supplies!

At the front and Top end of preparedness - You are On Your Own or within a small group. You are out in the open, in a Town or City. You may be travelling on foot or in your vehicle. Either way, your resources are limited to the amount you can carry or store in your vehicle.
As a result you may only have your Every Day Carry (EDC), Get Home Bag (GHB) or your vehicle breakdown Kit available.
Out on the 'Front-Line', exposed and with time limited equipment, this is your 1st Line Preparedness gear.
Regardless of your situation and or skillset or fitness, each person should be able to be:
Self-sustainable, Contribute to the group they are in (if any) and be able to Sustain, Defend and Administer life-saving first aid in the event of disaster, attack or incident. Even Extract themselves out of danger on foot if need be. Things to consider should include:
- A get home plan, including knowing where you are at all times, can include cash.
- A Communications plan for recovery or help.
- A Route-Out into safety.
- Some Life-Saving equipment.
- Equipment time reliance should be at least 3 hours. I would always recommend a minimum of =
Water | Cash | Phone | IFAK
Get Home Plan – Comms – Route - Plan 2nd Line Preparedness
This is your hub of Robustness, your Mainstay, Sustainability and Aftercare – A preppers 'mainline' retreat!
2nd Line goes beyond initial actions, reactions, the initial disaster and its effects. All aspects are targetted at the your family or group at your location. Smaller, more portable items are now packed away, held at readiness and ready for immediate Bug-Out Action.
Aspects such as a First Aid system and its knowledge base is extended with an extensive wound and after-care system. Medication and rehabilitation features highly at this level.
Heating & Water heating systems can now cater for multiple persons, not just the individual and can sustain them for long periods.
Food is stored for the duration of the disaster/event and can be prepared and cooked in good time.
Weapon systems can be maintained and thouroughly cleaned.
Communications base stations can be found here and all equipment that relies on power can be charged via long term renewable energy sources.
With a Solid 2nd line preparedness system, any single point of failure is overcome by use of redundancy measures and mechanisms.
Group Equipment | Robust | Long Term | Sustainability | Rehabilitation 3rd Line Preparedness
A good 3rd line system of work, skills and equipment will contribute to your long term survival / ability to thrive in the face of a disaster and its aftermath. Every aspect of sustainability, maintenance and equipment repair are catered for.
At this level, you have the skills, equipment and ability to repair your gear and equipment to see you through and beyond your projected survival time-frame.
As well as a good supply of Spares, you have the ability and skills to Repair or Replace all your equipment to a functional level. This will include comprehensive repair gear: - Fixative Gear - Nails | Screws | Nuts & Bolts | Duct Tape | Glue
- Sewing Gear
- Tyre / Puncture Repair Kit
- Soldering Skills & materials
- Spare materials – Wood Panels | Wire | Lumber
- A collection of repair manuals
- All necessary items to keep the cogs-turning - including engine filters
- The ability to teach, train or pass on your knowledge!
Extension of time is also increased with your ability to sustainably Grow, Hunt, Fish and Forage for food to ensure your time extension. With a robust 3rd line set of equipment and skills, the wait for stability and normalisation to kick-in may not be such a factor, as your liveable situation is ensured.

To keep your life-cycle running, one should consider a higher preparedness convention, a realistic and workable system of self reliance because when the Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF) you may be On Your Own! Consider your methodology.
This is a great write up @preppervetuk its almost like you have military training.
All jokes aside this is very valuable information. Theres a thing called normalcy bias and if things ever go south there will be, unfortunately, too many people victim to changing circumstances. Thanks
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I was just thinking last night as we were driving home from my husband's work (he cut my 55-gallon barrels in half for my garden) and I was going thru his bag that I keep in his truck. It has a change of clothes (he tends to get dirty at work) and a few other essentials... and I thought... I wonder how often I need to change out the bottles of water, energy/protein bars inside his bag.
Now I see your post... I take it as a sign to rotate some stock in our travel bags.
Good job..... when needed they can be critical items...
As you probably know, rotation and maintenance can be time consuming (when remembered).
Comprehensive advice. Quite scary how many people are ignorant of the most basic preparations.
Very true and such simple measures, thinking or methods can go a very long way.