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RE: Analyzing threats in your area

in #preppers8 years ago

Current instability in Europe?
What are you talking about?

Antifa less active then normal (and btw. they riot very seldom anyway). Terrorist attacks... yeah, there are lots in Syria and Afghanistan and Irak. Not exactly Europe.
Here I can't even remember when the last one was and anyway, cars kill 100 times more people. Not to mention smoking.
So why should I care about terrorist attacks?


Then don't read my blog if you are interested . There have been 15 terrorist attacks in France alone since 2012.

Antifa is on the rise in the US, though it has not yet become extremely violent. Mostly riots and blunt force attacks against counter protesters.

This format for analyzing an area is not specifically for terrorists, though it is a catchy header.
It is used to see the who, what, where, when , and how things happen in your area. It is not a specific threat analysis, it is an area analysis. Threats could be anything from a corrupt local government or police official to crime and gang activity to environmental such as a toxic waste site in the area.

If you do not find my analysis useful, again: don't read it.

So one terror attack for 30 million people per year is instability for you?

There used to be more in France when the baskens still fought with weapons. And don't mention Ireland.

There are more people killed by lightning in Europe then by muslimic terrorists, which you refer to based on your picture and text.

But if you don't find my facts useful don't read them.

Clearly you only want to read what you want to read .

As Ive alreadt said in my last post:
This format for analyzing an area is not specifically for terrorists, though it is a catchy header.
It is used to see the who, what, where, when , and how things happen in your area. It is not a specific threat analysis, it is an area analysis. Threats could be anything from a corrupt local government or police official to crime and gang activity to environmental such as a toxic waste site in the area. This is not in anyway terrorism specific. That is why it can be used in any area.
You must be able to think outside the box of you are going to use it.

Then use better examples not such extreme and extreme rare ones.

Then read further than just the headline and you would have known that already.
You did that twice. I literally copied and pasted from my previous comment without the terrorist statistics.
Thanks for the constructive criticism though