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RE: 🌽 🥘 🍗 Prepper Cook-Off Challenge 😅 🤢 🤮 **Updated Rules**

in #preppercookoff7 years ago (edited)

No that is cool I should have clarified better.

  • Herbs are fine as long as they are dried. No fresh ingredients. They have to be storable.
  • Stock cube is fine.
  • Wine, hard liquor and vinegar is fine but keep the combined liquid condiments to a shot glass worth. The idea is that they don't contribute much to the meal other then some flavor. Once again they need to be shelf stable.

If you want to use more wine then above during the cooking process you will have to drink it!

Yes the deadline is May 3 at 11:59pm (UTC -7)

Updating rules above.


It's quite a bourgeois condiment cupboard then!