Introduce Myself

in #preparedness7 years ago

Inch By Inch is a name I chose for my preparedness blog, and here on Seemit, because it is my philosophy that anything at all can be accomplished, even if it is only one inch at a time. One small step at a time, over time, and you can cover some great ground.

I have been living a lifestyle of preparedness and thrift for my entire life, and especially in the last 30 years. It is who I have become, and it is a great way of life. I can't tell you how many times, my family has had to call upon the resources we have prepared, and the food storage we have stored. Life always offers us unexpected challenges, and is no respecter of persons, and I have used my preparedness resources for more than my own family on more than many occasions.

With six adult children and now 6 grands, I am more motivated than ever to make sure my home is a place of preparedness, where it can be a refuge from the storms of life.

I am a huge believer in food storage, but only in the sense that it be used and rotated through on a regular basis. My food storage program, is used daily. I blog about it regularly on my site and blog about weekly preparedness goals to help others become more prepared. On another site, you can find me blogging about thrift! It is also another of my passions and it is a blog that is just in it's beginnings.

I guess one of my passions you could say is writing as well, because if I didn't love it, I certainly wouldn't be blogging all the time. I do love to write, and have a couple of books on Amazon, and perhaps some day I will finish one of my fiction books as well.

But for here and now, on Steemit, I will be sharing things pertaining to preparedness, because that is the top of my focus list. Preparedness is something that is important for absolutely everyone to do, but is so versatile, in that it is different for everyone as well. What works in my home, won't necessarily work in yours, yet you may glean ideas from me, and tweak them for your own situation. Preparedness goals will vary depending on where you live, and what your circumstances are, family life, culture, finances, and plethora of other things, but one thing that is certain, I believe, is that we each need to be prepared in whatever ways we can.

I am looking forward to steemit and what I can learn from others. I also hope to share in return and help others learn!

Just for now, and just for today, I can take one step forward. One day, one step, one inch at a time.


interesting .. you a preper?

welcome to Steemit!
you could actually tag your post "introduceyourself" and add a pic holding a paper that says Steemit + date + your account name
and yes you dont have to show your face if you don't want to
Good luck around here