in #prepare7 years ago

SELF RELIANCE. Long term Silver and Gold are going to skyrocket on a reset. They wont be able to artificially keep its value down. Your money in the bank is NOT INSURED. A Government reset is a Government Bankruptcy. You would be fortunate to get back five cents on the dollar. Same with paper money Think German MARKS buying a loaf of bread for $10,000.00 The metals market is bottomed out right now if your going to make a move its time. If you do metals make sure you actually have the real thing in your hands trust no one. Can happen overnight and everyone will run on the banks that will be closed. Also consider the consequences of opening those tens of thousands of sealed Indictments. Many are for many powerful people. There can be a short period of chaos and violence by the deep state left. Protect your families, be prepared for loss of electric foods running out at stores. Make sure you can feed and protect your family. Now is the time tp prepare. You really dont want to wake up one morning with Military or Nation Guard in the streets controlling your movement. You can make it comfortable for your family by planning now or you can say ah bullshit never going to happen. Do you really want to find out your wrong and not prepared. The chances of CIVIL WAR WHEN THE DEMOCRATS GET CRUSHED IN COMING ELECTION. Chances significant.