Daily Prayer Request Weekly Summary 1/29- 2/4

in #prayer-request7 years ago

Hi folks, many of you may be aware that I post a daily prayer request thread, have decided to do a weekly thread summarizing the specific none general requests of each past week for those who may have missed some of the requests and also to help maintain in prayer.

Any liquid earnings of this post will be transferred to the @christian-trail curating account which helps to support the community here with daily upvotes and whale boosts.

Thanks for praying brethren! God blesses abundantly those who pray and support those in need..

Matt. 18:19 - "if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."

If you have a prayer request visit my blog @wilx for the latest Daily Request post.

Also fellow believers visit the christian-trail forum tag (click tagged below) daily to support your fellow brethren's posts, click on New in the menu at the top to see the latest posts, also tag christian-trail to your christian related posts for max viewing and upvote support by the brethren.

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

The requests, from oldest to newest:

@jlsplatts: I just got back from visiting a good friend of mine who lost his wife. With his family and friends leaving he needs the lord to bring him peace and comfort. His wife was 47 before she went to be with the lord. I don’t get the opportunity to see them much anymore since I moved. They have 2 children hat need prayer also.

@kandies: Here in my city, medical doctors are dieing from a particular disease passed by patients.
I pray that God will give the government insight on how best to stop this.
Jeff, Logan and Jacie. Please play for them in this rough time in their lives that they may have strength and the devil will stay out of their minds! Thank you.

@kayleigh-alesta: I have a prayer request for my children and their friends...most of my daughters friends are suicidal and all of them including mine are making poor decisions..dangerous decisions. ..they are all beautiful and bright but they can't see it ...I ask our heavenly father to show them the paths they are meant to walk and watch over all of them while they aren't ...thank you :)

@johncalvin: Please pray for my friend Dave's mother. She is quite elderly and has started to have blackouts. She is in the hospital and they are running tests today. Pray that the Doctors and Nurses would be able to determine what the problem is and that God would heal her.

@octorvee: Please Join me in Praying for my Country, Nigeria. We pray for our Upcoming Elections and Government, that the Glory of God be made manifest as lives are changed and our nation becomes a better place for all

@johncalvin: Please pray comfort and peace for Tim who lost his brother to a heart attack last night.

@hannihealth: Asking for prayers for Nora whose baby is due in a few days. She found out today that her baby is in breech position( bottom first). Please pray that God will allow her baby to turn around on its own and be head down before the birth starts.

@jlsplatts: My foreman at work took another job and now there is an opening. I am goin to be applying for his old job as foreman of the crew. There are a few others that are putting in for it too. This would bring a good pay increase and more responsibility. I’m kind of nervous about being in changer of a crew but I have past experience running the crew when the foreman is gone. Please pray for God’s favor in this matter.

@anthonyadavisii: I had to have our beloved family dog be put to sleep recently. Please, pray for our family to be comforted and healed during this trying time.

@dula: I have had series of debts that have slowed me down in my business, affected my relationship and have impaired the vision of my career. I am believing that this year is a year of the supernatural, let the supernatural miracles and blessings locate me and my household in Jesus name I pray....Amen

@kandies: I pray that the election to be conducted in my country should be free and fair. There should be peace that day, no form of violence in Jesus name.

@emekaorjiani: Praying for a supernatural strength to carryout the new responsibility given to me in church today. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Amen



I will be praying for them.

Also, please pray for me for God to bless me with seven spirits of God. I am currently on 7 days dry fasting. It's called total fasting for this purpose.

Thank you.


May the Lord Almighty increase you in His Grace. Go ahead and shine, Ye are the LIGHT of the WORLD! Glory!!!

Thank you my steemit witness. God bless you.

Father God, I bring each request before your throne of grace. Lord your word say that we should ask and that you will answer. We are asking al this requests in Jesus Name. Lord please give healing, provision, favor, peace, comfort and wisdom. Let your will come to pass in each of this instances. Again we ask in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. To God all the glory, honor and praise. Amen!

Amen and amen!! Glory to God - worthy is the lamb!!

Praying for one another is powerful it can unlock the gate of heaven. God Bless us all.❤

dear @wilx and everyone here, please include baby Hunter in your prayers
thank you and God bless each one of us ❤️

In prayer..

thank you so much & God bless :-)

Loved the post... God bless you :)


Thank you lord for answering our prayer request. God bless @wilx

excellent post

This post has received a 2.78 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @wilx.