Praying for Dreams

in #pray8 years ago

I wonder and pray every day that the dark light in my life will go away. It's difficult to breathe most days as my body shakes and twitches. How can I calm down? How can I make myself stop worrying so much about everything? I do pray for my dreams. Will they ever come true?

Laying in the darkness of my room I can hear the deafening sound of silence. It's unbearable. You can hear a pin drop in the silence. I close my ears to it but the silence seeps inside. When will dawn come? Will there be light in my life again? Will I have the comfort and saving that I pray for?

I know that I'm not alone in my wonders, for I have met others who struggle like me. We talk and cry together and pray for emotional release. It comes in dribbles, so we must be content with that.

Never stop praying for your dreams, even during the darkest of midnight. I continue to struggle, yet I constantly pray and hope that my efforts will be rewarded one day. I know that I must get out of this emotional abyss and walk in the sunlight.

Will you walk with me?
