PoWH3d, PoWH, PoWH33, PoWM, PoWL, The Pyramid Clone Wars Have Begun!
PonziLand: The Pre-Madonna
So if you have been living under a rock for the past 3 days or so, you have no idea that the Clone Wars 3 has begun. Ever since PoWH3d hit about 1300 Eth, the clones have been popping up. PoWL was one of the first, but they had a little hiccup in the coding. The dividends went to 5%...ouch. So then PoWM was born to make fun of the bad math. With the math "fixed" the flood gates opened, and now they are popping up everywhere. Now why do I refer to this as Clone Wars 3? That's because this has all happened before. I will spare you the long story but every time this happens someone says, "I wish there was a place that listed all these clones so I can get the stats,buy, and sell in one place." Well people this place exists and it has for a while http://stocks-game.funsite.cz/stocks.html.
At http://stocks-game.funsite.cz/stocks.html you can do all the sorting and categorizing of the PoWH Pyramids in one place. So don't get stuck refreshing 1 PoWH over and over. Play with over 30 of them in a nice organized presentation. Plus these clones have verified solid coding, no exit scam possibilities, and you can get in at floor level!
Stop promoting this bullshit trash to the top of trending. You're about to end up at the top of my list.
Your gonna sit here and tell people what they can and can't write about... why are you in crypto, you should be part of a oppressive regime somewhere taking peoples freedoms away.
How do you know I'm not?
You're boring me.
JFC, it's "you're"!!!
good go douche up someone else's day
You're adorable when you get angry!
I don't think bernie said you can't write about this, all he said is stop promoting this to trending page, pretty simple. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
If bernie had a brain, Bernie would ask someone to stop instead of threatening them.. His rep says it all
As a matter of fact, his rep doesn't have anything to do with his contribution, it was nuked by a single user only that had a kiddie fit.
The whole point of crypto and decentralization is that we can talk and do what we want. Don't threaten me, I don't give a fuck where I am on your list.
a sustainable pyramid scheme in the making lol. But why not if you can make money just to be patience?
I notice that shilly Suppoman is endorsing this ponzi on his latest videos.
This is making passive income investments look bad. Getting harder to decipher if an investment is good or not even though it pays an interest.
How long will these new ones last? And who will get burnt along the way?
I read this, but only understand that it is not a sequel to the, most shitty, Star Wars movie ever made
haha i am dying
absolutely correct after POWH3d being listed as the no.1 Ethereum DAPP it's craze is getting on the top and other clones are trying to take advantage of the hype
haha! I know what this is, Wait all of a sudden people want clones?

Are they starting to figure out that the math is not their friend when they get so high?
I can only imagine if someone put all the clones together on one site and made them into a game-that would be fun and a lot more fair...Oh Wait
Oh yea
People always want clones. Look st the number of alt coins that are basically clones of btc or other coins.
This is, of course, the obvious solution. It means that you don’t need to worry about researching devs each time you chop and change, and means there are plenty of ground floors to get in on. Brilliant!
I’m still mind blown that there is no shortage os suckers willing to get in and lose your money in these things! You can lose your money in day trading and I’ll still respect you but this, I have no sympathy
Etherstocks > Checking every single pow(x) clone contract