Thank You, Steem! It's Been Quite a Ride ๐
It takes a heap of licks to strike a nail in the dark.
Turning on the light might help, but what if someone else is comfortably sitting on the switch and you just can't get there?
I will take a break from no longer be creating content on Steem and wish you guys all the best for your future journey.
There's been a lot of great developments and improvements coming out of the community lately, and given that starting point I hope you'll be able to convert this place into a truly decentralized world some day.
My fingers are crossed ๐ค
On a little side note: I was interviewed about Steem and Steemit by a New Yorker journalist recently, so there's probably gonna be another coverage being published soon. I'll keep you posted on this one anyways.
Til then I'll be most likely paddling into some wave.
Stay steemy, my friends.
Thanks for the love! ๐
Your surfergirl,
Marley -
PS: I'm currently recovering from a windsurf accident -
admitting that life could be worse ๐ xxx

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
That journey ends today, and I'm happy you've been part of it!
Special thanks for the huge support provided by @good-karma & @esteemapp team! Your application eSteem Surfer has been my alltime favorite to create content on the blockchain.
Original content.
what a loss for this place.
๐ Es war schรถn so lange es gedauert hat.
Thanks for having introduced me to the network back in summer 2016. It's been a great time and I definitely learned for life!
I feel you, life is calling out for you...
It doesn't matter... try to give the right answer... and who knows...
Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 25% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.
You have receive an upvote. Thanks for playing moonSTEEM
Thank you, buddy!
So many things are calling ya know...๐
Keep rockin'
Schade! Auch wenn wir uns nicht allzu oft รผber den Weg liefen (und irgendwann am Anfang gar eine kleine Auseinandersetzung hatten), teile ich viele deiner Ansichten (hat mich sehr gefreut, dich auf SteemFest 3 persรถnlich kennenzulernen).
Ich fรผhle, dass ich mit dir eine Unterstรผtzerin verliere, die, so wie ich, ebenfalls versucht hat, die Interessen derjenigen zu vertreten, die den Wert einer Plattform in aktiven Usern und gutem Content messen!
Was ich priorisieren wรผrde, schrieb ich in meiner "STEEM-Vision". Vielleicht siehst du das ja รคhnlich?
Um ehrlich zu sein, kann ich mir einen endgรผltigen Abschied deinerseits kaum vorstellen, zu viel Zeit und Engagement hast du bereits investiert (ja, ich sehe nicht nur Menschen, die viel Geld irgendwo reinstecken, als "Investoren"). Mach doch einfach eine erholsame Pause, um etwas Abstand zu gewinnen ... und komm dann wieder zurรผck ... :)
Servus @jaki01! Vielen lieben Dank fรผr Deinen Kommentar und auch den Link zu Deinem (sehr gelungenen!) Artikel. Wir teilen hier mal wieder viele Ansichten, und dieser Satz hat mir besonders gut gefallen:
Diese aktuelle Grafik von @arcange aus seinen Steem Statistiken vom 25.5.2019 belegt leider, dass Steem schon seit sehr langer Zeit ein Retention Problem hat.

Es ist schade, dass wir alle uns vermutlich zu lange auf Steemit, Inc verlassen haben, und nicht schon frรผher (so wie es jetzt passiert) mehr Dinge selbst umgesetzt haben. Mรถglicherweise ist es nun zu spรคt, da die Marke Steem bereits extrem gelitten hat und im gesamten Crypto Markt einfach รผberhaupt keine Lobby mehr hat. Selbst viele der groรen Believer der ersten Stunde haben aufgegeben und widmen sich nun neuen Projekten.
Ich wรผnsche Euch allen von Herzen, dass Ihr das Ruder noch einmal herumreiรen kรถnnt. In der Tat habe ich hier viel Zeit investiert, aber ich wurde ja auch fรผrstlich dafรผr entlohnt, insofern war das wohl ein Win Win fรผr alle Beteiligten :-) Ein Comeback wird's nicht geben, da ich schon mit einem Fuร im nรคchsten Projekt stecke, aber ich werde vermutlich trotzdem immer mal wieder heimlich rein schauen und gucken wie es so lรคuft.
Dir alles Gute und nochmals lieben Dank, dass Du hier noch einmal vorbei geschaut hast!
Grรผร Deine zauberhafte Familie von mir :-)
Dann wรผnschen meine Frau (danke fรผr die Grรผรe!) und ich dir alles Gute fรผr dein zukรผnftiges Projekt und auch sonst viel Glรผck (und hoffen, ab und zu von dir zu hรถren)!
Sorry to see you go. I suppose that means you won't be at SteemFest 4. :-(
Yeah, that implies I won't be there. Wishing you a blast in BKK! :-)
I'm sorry that you and some other older Steemians were made promises that have not been kept.
But for me but I'm very happy after 15 months on Steem earning between $1-10 for posts and seeing amazing functionality like SteemPeak, Partiko, Steem Engine, Steem Keychain, Nitrous, MIRA, Hivemind, Steem Monsters, Next Colony etc etc.
I see that distribution of Steem is gradually becoming less concentrated and my share is increasing.
Maybe Ned promised too much.
But I'm pretty impressed with what so many groups are achieving, includng Steemit Inc under Eli's direction. What they've achieved since the reorg and cutbacks is nothing short of amazing.
I hope you return some day like Obi Wan or Luke Skywalker. Not that I'm suggesting that return should precede your spectacular death. :-)
Hahaha, I bet you're doing well in the #funny section :-D
You're totally right: there's a lot of developments in the pipeline, and I also touched on that in my post. It may be a great basis for a new beginning.
It's evident that Steem would need a complete makeover in order to succeed, especially with regards to governance. It would also need a huge portion of lobbying in order to reshape the brand perception in the crypto market. Right now most people are smiling at Steem but not taking it seriously as a potential investment. Same happens with media, there is basically zero coverage.
But well you guys know all that already :-)
Keep rocking!
So sad to see you go @surfermarly; you were one of my first inspirations here, and a major reason why I stuck it out here beyond a few months.
You have new horizons to explore, and I wish you exciting adventures! You're a bright shining star, and don't ever let anyone cast a shadow on your brilliance!
Safe travels!
The pleasure was mine, @denmarkguy! I always enjoyed our conversations to the max, thanks for your time and wisdom - and the super lovely words you found for this comment :-)
I'll try to be shining as much as I can ๐
All the best for you, too!!!
Hey Surfermarly,
I'm sad for Steem and happy for you, there comes a time that it is time to finish a chapter and start a new one.
Best of luck and if check in once in a while!
Thanks for your lovely words and wishes, @whatsup!
Give the discord crew a huge hug ๐
There's a lack of engagement now and as you said in another comment, the platform only benefits the few now which in a way it always has but this is becoming more pronounced.
The possibility of of it empowering especially the people who needed a boost is what brought me here along with the chance to read great content which has also diminished. There are too many people 'up their own arses' and suggested changes will only make the problem of reward distribution skew even further in the direction of the ever increasingly powerful.
I wish you every happiness and hope you get well soon...I hear jigsaws are pretty safe ;-)
Finally, don't forget that everything we experience is an instantly temporary state.
There will still be a beer here in Bangkok with your name on it.
Stay wet n wild lady
Posted using Partiko Android
Nathen! Your comments have always put a smile on my face, and you know that. Big times!
Too many have opted for short term gain instead of long term invest here, and that's why the whole ecosystem doesn't work anymore. There's not enough incentives to produce and reward good content, and those who could make a difference don't want to since they highly benefit from the situation as it is.
A fish rots from the head down.
Talking about engagement: I don't think I have ever received more comments on any of my articles than on this one here, haha. I guess that's quite characteristical.
Enjoy life, Nathen - and that beer with my name on it :-)
Big hugs
you are right
Greed leads to perdition in the latter, unfortunately
People will never stop being greedy. But you can create an algorithm that incentivizes less greedy behavior, hence more community-oriented action.
I hope so
But, who is the head?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hi Marly
I know I've spoken to you privately, but I think an on chain message is needed too.
Thank you for the positive vibes and work you have done for Steem, I understand that if your heart is elsewhere, then you better go follow it.
Take care, enjoy the summer, and keep in touch :) x
That's a sweet move, Ash ๐
Thanks a lot for your lovely words and of course for the AMAZING conversations on- and off chain. It was a lucky break to come to know you here and we'll keep in touch anyways.
Right now my heart is on the tennis court, hehe. So that's where I'll supposedly spend most of my time this summer.
Big big hugzzz & remember: good things come to good people ๐๐
I'm saddened by the news! This chain without your blogging will be pretty desolate. Hopefully, this doesn't mean you won't be in touch with fellow steemians and stopping by for our discord shenanigans! Either way, its been a ride & you will be missed Marly!
Thanks for your sweet words, QA! I'll be missing you guys, too.
Send some big hugs to those discord shenanigans ๐
The night Eagle, you and I got lost will be unforgettable.
I quit posting and powered down about 4 months ago, just this last week I have put up a few posts just to see what would happen, itโs been slow going, nary a comment. Best of luck to you.
Yeah, I've noticed that trend, too. Not quite the ambient we found here when we joined in 2016, right? :-)
All the best to you, too!