in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

onboarding oversights 1.png

As a person which manages a blog group of 24k and has to read and evaluate all their content - I get really annoyed when I click their blog links and cannot find head or tail of anything! There is so much mess and noise from the start to the finish that it pretty much makes you want to just hit that X at the top right corner of your screen.

I am equally annoyed when it is an article which I have really enjoyed and want to say something but then realise that I "have to be logged in to do so" - This moment... is a PIVOTAL one! One which would be a silly squander! - A moment which STEEMIT should be making the most of!!!!! - With both better promotion for joining and possibly even the option for guest comments. (As it is unlikely that Steemit will change anything, perhaps this guest comment aspect is something that other front ends could explore)

When a person has read something which resonates with them, there is an urge if you will, to have their say. It is nothing short of a "blegh! moment when you can't add what you want to say because you are not logged in - but even worse when you don't even SEE that option, or anything that may ENTICE YOU to sign up!

Everyone on Steem is all "onboarding crazy" but nobody is looking at the things which are staring them in the face! I know that not ALL Steemians share their content outside of the blockchain, but there is a VERY GOOD PORTION of us that DO - and most are sharing Steemit links - and as much as they may like READING our content do you know what people are met with when they want to respond?!


Steem onboarding.png

What is this!!??!! - It appears to me as insignificant as a white frame on a white wall! - An opportunity to EXCITE the outside world which is being completely disregarded! I personally don't post from Steemit anymore but I do share the Steemit links when sharing on other social media platforms as this is still the predominantly used front end and sharing alt links limits reader engagement of current Steemians. And if you scroll down any external feed... you will see that 99% of the links that are shared with the outside world are Steemit links.

I decided to test this on a few people this week - people that are NOT on Steem... I asked them to take a look at the post and find where they would be "invited to join". Out of 8 people, not a single ONE of them stopped at the ridiculous message pasted at the bottom of our posts. They ALL scrolled straight on through to the comments and then looked somewhat puzzled as they went up and down.... It took nothing short of two "up's and downs" before some saw the message to "sign up" - (And let's remember that I actually TOLD them to look for a place to "join".)

Can you blame them? NO - you can't. There is absolutely NOTHING enticing about that message!!!!! For all the people that share their Steem content on outside platforms... Steem is missing a PRIME CATCH SPOT!!!!!!!!!

Add some COLOUR to it for a start! There must be a million ways to improve that little space of enticement! - one which would probably gain MORE onboarding than ANY other effort!

But... having said all of the above, I realise that even posting this is just pissing in the wind...


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


lifestyle & inspirations.png


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png

A community of individuals who are dedicated to producing quality content
which adds value to the Steemit platform and beyond.





I think all your points are well made and in addition to suggesting that perhaps there's an opportunity here that you should consider exploring with some of the developers you know, a couple of thoughts:

For signed up steemians, commenting is much easier on Steemit - and it forms conversations which is really helpful. I know the other apps do, too, but on this, I think Steemit has the edge. Secondly, I think that while some of the apps "earn you points" - Partiko does, and you can redeem them for (a) vote(s) I use it from my phone because I get notifications which are easier to handle than from Discord. Secondly, it costs to post from Steempeak. The only dapp that doesn't cost (as far as I know) is Steempress. On which point, I might add, I am fortunate to get serious upvotes and my posts from there do much better than from Steempeak.

As for thinking that you're pissing in the wind: I say again - here's an opportunity for developers to "marry" their tech savvy with the design and marketing savvy of one of the most dedicated Steemians I know, and something I suggest you exploit. Piss, after all, contains one of the essential building blocks of life: nitrogen.....


lol @ nitrogen!!! And thank you for the compliment @fionasfavourites.

Hmmmm.... to be quite blunt, I think I am done extending and stretching my arms around here. I said it... someone else can get juiced - because I am all out.

Glad to have made you laugh!!

Hmmmm.... to be quite blunt....

I'd expect nothing less!

I will say this though, understanding exactly where you're at: I hope you don't regret it. I'm going to put it out there, though, that someone should take the lead and invite @jaynie to be the design part of the team. That would be a win.

I'll stop now. Not flogging dead horses.....

lol ;)

no regrets... just decided to do a little more prioritising from this point forward.


Posted using Partiko Android

i think you have that backwards.. there is a beneficiary for Steempress and Steempeak doesn't charge.

Thanks for that and yes, Steempress is a beneficiary which, to some degree is offset by the vote. Thanks again. Very helpful.

Posted using Partiko Android

I got a sulk face when I read that originally, so happy to hear it's the other way around lol :)

You certainly got a point. But what happens after they click to join? If I click on something and am asked for money - I run...

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are not asked for money when you join Steem - you are given two options. Wait = FREE and Now = Pay. Although, I do think this could be improved upon to a large degree.... and it is almost shameful when the PEOPLE of Steem are offering immediate accounts to newbies, to compensate for the shortcomings of the site itself lol... sigh - although, none of the above are the point of this post :)

I know that it wasn't the point. But I am not in favor of bringing on new Steemians at this time because I don't feel that they will have much success here.
Your article just shows the many ways that the Steemit leadership is not up to the task. I admire you that you are charging ahead with trying to improve things.

I hear you, but as that is unlikely to happen (ie. Prevention of new membership) Steemit may as well try and make improvements... although that is also just as unlikely Haha!!

"...I am not in favor of bringing on new Steemians at this time because I don't feel that they will have much success here."

This is sad, but I agree.

It is sad indeed.

I think some dapps such as 3speak allow commenting without a Steem account. There must be ways to do it with Facebook or Google and then you can link them in when they do get an account.

If you know anyone who needs a Steem account without waiting to get approved then I can create them with resource credits.

Would be great if there was!

And thanks, I will bear that in mind should the need arise :)

3speak does have guest accounts which actually earns the guest Steem when they leave good contents. You can learn more about them next Tuesday on the Curation Corner in The Ramble, when we'll be interviewing them.

Oh that is pretty cool! A great incentive too!!!

Yes I agree the call to action is weak and misguided and doesn’t inspired or direct a user to interact!

While a better prompt would drive click through the barrier to entry will still play a role! As a UX/UI person Steemit leaves way to much to the users interpretation and doesn’t do enough to guide the user

I have brought this up with a committee member and once the marketing SPS is up and accepted I’ll be pushing for some lekker changes both internally and externally to improve onboarding and conversion rate optimization

Agreed! And that sounds positive!

I highly suggest ditching steemit. I stopped using it over one year ago. They are not doing a thing with it and you will just go insane expecting change.

Steempeak, busy, esteem partiko even - all are much better in every way as front ends. Then we have great places like ntopaz and travelfeed for niches.

I haven't used Steemit for ages either. I dont like partiko either though. Steempeak is the best in my opinion, however... the sad reality is that a good 60% (thumb suck) are in fact still using steemit and those are the links being shared to the outside public. Just seems a total waste of a good opportunity... but yes, 99.9% chance that this wont change lol... is not going anywhere. Steemit Inc will be upgrading it BUT right now they are more focused on bring out communities and SMTs.

I prefer ... it's simple and straightforward

I agree with you re. it is indeed "clean" - but I have so many accounts to manage now lol - I pretty much use all the platforms as I can stay logged in on each platform from mobile and laptop (not a fan of switching from one account to the other on one platform)

I really hope somebody high up reads this article and responds. Something needs to be done.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, although unlikely.

I know what you mean! I no longer bother to click on links to posts, because so many of them end up like you describe. I go directly to the bloggers page and scroll down to the correct post. I get to know them better that way.
It's interesting that we all scroll past a message that is so black and white.

You - - - -

Spot On!

You should be in the marketing team hehe

hahaha thanks, but no thanks ;) xxx

The act of expecting steemit to be the solution to any of our problems or improvements is an exercise in insanity.

There is going to be a tribe or group that nails the interface and adds something special to the newcomers. It would pay dividends too as the loyalty made from habit which is made from simplicity will be valuable.

Amazing it hasn’t been done properly yet!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree and I realise that even mentioning this is a bit like pissing in the wind lol, but like you say... it is crazy that it has not been addressed. It is also really unfortunate because like I said to Sharon, a good % of people are still using Steemit and those are the links being shared outside of the platform 99% of the time. Scrolling through Twitter proves this. Even though I post from steempeak I still share the steemit link because otherwise it shuts out a good portion of people that want to comment, because they either dont use or aren't familiar with other front ends.

Anyhooo.... lol is what it is I guess.

i say keep pissing in the wind. We need people with your level of influence and dedication to champion these sorts of issue that I personally believe are of the utmost importance.

Thanks @gooddream - thanks for the positive appreciation... means a lot.

Resteemed :-)

Thank you xxxxxx