Your Thoughts power

in #power6 years ago

Your thoughts power you don't know. You don't know how much power your thought is. You can make a change to anything you see. Before you know your power have you thought why your thoughts coming in mind. Before we understand thought we need to understand our
What is a mind? The mind is basically all people talking about and says my mind lead me to this my mind lead me to that but what is the mind actually. Basically, without confusing you mind is a state of our experience and our intelligence between that be process, create a midpoint of understanding that referred to our mind. It means the mind is responsible for our thoughts.
Now coming to our thoughts are a good or bad experience but the experience is an experience what if is good or bad. It all because of the situations be faced in our lives and our thoughts coming from there.
So when we go to a learned person the warn us to choose a right friend and environment because surely they will going to change our experience and our experience going to change our intellect and finally lead to our thought and happening around us as we act according to our thought.
So don't underestimate the power of the thought it will make you rich to rag or rag to rich , make you powerful and throw you from thrown. So always aware what you choose because today choice tomorrows thought and the thought can change everything around you from atom to big buildings anything.So we specific what you think.