We should be ashamed of ourselves for being so ungrateful! I ate from a rubbish bin today.

in #positivity8 years ago (edited)


This is Amos Mthimunye.  He is 34 years old and he is homeless.  He is also jobless.  Amos does not earn a salary and lives in the bushes near the beach.  I could not exactly ask him to pose for this photo, so I had to take the photo from my car.  

Today we went shopping in town.  I bought some clothes and a few other luxuries just for the fun of it. I didn't really need anything, but because it was on special, I could not resist. You can never have too many jerseys :) Afterwards we went out to lunch, because after a hard day of shopping I am definitely NOT in the mood for cooking.  We had a real fun day.  

We have terrible rainy, windy weather here at this stage, and we could not go to relax on the beach as usual,  on a Saturday afternoon, we just drove down to the beach to go and look at the ocean. I just love to sit and watch the waves splash against the rocks.(Sometimes we even see dolphins and whales playing in the water)

This is a daily ritual and I am extremely fortunate and grateful for the opportunity to do this on a daily basis.  


This is my favorite spot in the world.  I can see up to the horizon and the view is just outstanding!

Let me get back to my story.  We were sitting in the car, just relaxing, when my husband left to go to the bathroom, and left me in the car.  A few meters away from the car, there was a big painted rubbish bin.  I saw this man, looking a bit disorientated, walk straight to the rubbish bin.  At first I thought he was cleaning the bin, but I then realized that he was actually looking for food.  

He dug out a bag with leftover KFC and opened the bag to check if there were any leftovers.  Luckily for him, someone did not like the salad, and threw away the whole container spoon and all.  I watched him devour this.  I could not stand seeing someone so hungry so I grabbed my purse to give him some money to go and buy proper food.  

He looked at me funnily after handing him the money.  It was not much, as I do not usually carry money with me.  Then I saw the biggest smile I have ever seen.  I have not seen anyone so grateful for a few cents in my life.  Then this guy did a funny thing.  He walked back to the rubbish bin, and started digging again.  I thought to myself that this guy must be crazy, but when he returned I was stunned.....  He brought back another spoon!!! He was willing to SHARE HIS SALAD WITH ME!!! (The same salad he found in the rubbish bin)  I did not have a choice to share this food with him.    

Today I shared a salad with someone who has nothing.  He does not have proper clothes, proper shoes or a house to live in.  Today I think I shared a salad with an angel.....:)


Today I am grateful for what I have in life.  From today on wards  I will always watch out for Amos.  I will make sure to have some money in the car to give him when I see him.  My intention with this post, is not to shout out that I helped someone, as this is totally against my believe.  I have helped many people in my lifetime, but I do NOT announce this over social media.  Today I am announcing it.  


Today I was helped by Amos Mthimunye.   He is only 34 years old, and he changed my life today.  

If you enjoyed reading this, please follow me @giantbear


Inspiring - I believe that sometimes we are shown 'circumstances' that we can choose to do something about or ignore - that day you were shown humility and you chose to do something about it ... great feeling being able to help someone, but more importantly you learnt something yourself, gratitude for your life.

This!! This is what life is about. Give, give lots and it'll make you feel damn good about yourself. You can argue that it's selfish, but it's not - you are sharing reward.

Thank you @lifeisawesome! I learn something new about myself daily...Steemit is bringing out the best in me

Truly heartwarming, yet heartbreaking too.

Upvoted - It is so admirable that you had enough heart and compassion to help someone less fortunate than yourself. I am sure that giving him some food or money when you can, will make such a difference in his life. It was truly amazing that he would share the salad with you considering it was probably the only meal he expected to have that day. I can related to your experience as I too have a lady who I help out whenever I can and it has made me so appreciative of the life I have. ♥

@lovekimberleigh it was a very uplifting and a very weird experience..... maybe a once in a lifetime experience. I spoke to him afterwards and he doesn't have any qualifications. Seems like he is just a lost soul, but he keeps the beach clean, so they should at least feed him or pay him/give him some kind of shelter.

Beautiful story Thank you for sharing !

@michelle82 I certainly never thought that I would ever eat from a rubbish bin. But it was the best food I have ever had. It really changed my life. I know I will remember this day for the rest of my life.

@giantbear I'm sure Amos will remember you for your kindness.

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