Build Your Own Economy

A Reading of The Wheel Of Fortune

Times of Transition

We have become estranged. We are strangers from life itself. In our virtual worlds we have become vexed and imbalanced, ready to topple or be driven loopy by the cogs of Fate.

Our house is in great disorder. We are no longer able to carry on its upkeep. It’s bricks and mortar are crumbling around us. Our construct has become more complex than a simple homely deity can uphold. Our housekeeping is shoddy, our interior design decadent. Our economy is failing to build adequate housing for the complex creatures we are.

Be Quite Somewhat Afraid

Only if we learn to appy our fear appropriately will we rediscover our soul-saving creativity.

If we are to overcome obstacles and free ourselves from entanglements, we must understand “No” is our most powerful word. It negates the illusion, it prohibits the crossing of the boundaries one needs by which to define one’s own centre. It will not bow to the terrorism of materialism and ungodliness.

If God is another word for a complex structure out of which emerges Evolution in all its manifestation, then may we become a lot more God-fearing, please.

Life is a path rolled out by the Wheel of Fortune until you leave the circumference of time and grow towards the hub of I Am. Settle the scales of gain and loss, achievements and failures by renewing your sensitivity of the l e v i t y of warmth and light and tone and growth. Celebrated these forces as the true victors of gravity and its pull into the grave.

Solar Powered Bliss

Become your own sun incarnate and explore the planets revolving around you. Find them humming jovially, martially, mercurially, lovingly, mysteriously, collectively, magically empowering you to learn how to live well and get better at it.

Celebrate the many elements that build homes for fire and water, enthusiasm and harmonious compositions, balloons and bones for the marrow that is air, the shadow of the love for becoming. Hold onto these strings and wings for the pull forwards and the way back.

Wise Investements

Participate in detatchment.
Remain balanced in love.
Gather between two or more the courage to know the truth of who you really are.
Bear your cross through that which is transitory, recycle the ribbons and paper which wrapped up your gift of life, and save only the buttons that remind you the Key is to resurrect the Word.

The Tarot Card is The Wheel Of Fortune [10] from the Cosmic Tarot by Walter Holl


Hi! Did you know that is now censoring users and posts based on their opinions?
All the posts of these users are gone!

Here's a list of some banned users:
'roelandp', 'blocktrades', 'anyx', 'ausbitbank', 'gtg', 'themarkymark', 'lukestokes.mhth', 'netuoso', 'innerhive'
See anyone you recognize? There could be more, they also have a remote IP ban list.

Will you be censored next?

Happy to find you here and wondering how/why I missed this these past couple of days? Did not show up for me, but maybe I was meant to wait?
Levity with ribbons, I am spinning yarns round alder branches and walking through the mist and rain gathering both daffodils and holly still with red berries!? Christmas and Easter all at once :)