Portrait Contrest Week Five Entry

in #portraitcontest7 years ago

I know this will not be everyone's cup of tea, but a lot of work and effort went into this image (which was requested by her wonderful mother).

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't my favorite portrait I'd ever done.

Don't worry - no teddies were harmed in the making of this photo ;-)



That photo is STUNNING !!

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

Thank you! It was a huge leap from my comfort zone but the results were exactly how I imagined them. <3

This is so morbidly wrong but awesome. When I first saw the thumbnail I thought it must be jello from a kid doing what a kid does. BUT I HAD TO KNOW.

Did you do something with her eyes or did you manage to catch the reflection in that way? It's seriously creepy.

Good work.

The eyes were pretty light from the overcast day, but I did add a little grey to it. We actually shot some more innocent ones with pumpkins. I was so fearful of the response here, but most people thought it was funny.

It's raspberries, by the way!

Thank you so much!

I was wondering what food it was. I knew it had to be some kind of fruit. You definitely picked out one with a proper color red for the shoot.

Oh, no reason for anyone to be upset. She doesn't know what she was shooting, so it's not like her psyche was affected. She was probably thinking "give me more food"!

great shot man thanks for sharing

Nice photo, you managed to keep it cute which is a clever use of the subject matter, could be bad taste if it wasn't setup well but you avoided that - props to your talent!
Don't think the Walking Dead has even had the nerve to go Zombie Baby yet?

Thanks! Since it was for my friend, I wanted to keep the subject still fun/campy. Some people do full out horror sessions with children and I think it's kind of...just a projection of the parents' interest. Hopefully in the fall I get the chance to explore this style again - family portraits can be so redundant after awhile. ;-)

I think for them to do a Zombie baby is difficult, there's so many cliches and props around the subject that it isn't easy to capture and keep it realistic. Shuddering at the thought of that classic creepy giggle that gets reused so much.

You did a great job on a potentially difficult subject!
Yeah, i'd worry about a parent that wanted a full on horror show image with young kids - Probably lose that phone number quickly!

I'm waiting for the Walking Dead to answer the question - did the chimps, apes and monkeys at the zoo's become Zombies?? Zombie gorillas would be something to witness!

Haha! Wow!! Yummy raspberries! Her eyes.... intense!

It's funny. I like it, some twisted humor but it's okay.

I agree w/ you, a very nice and successful portrait. Are you sure the teddy wasn't harmed? Raspberry can be hard to wash out! lol :-)