polution end

in #polution6 years ago


the biosphere , is called pollution. Human development process and modernity are an important contributor to environmental pollution . Even the normal activities of humans are called pollution , from which negative results are obtained . For example, nitrogen oxide pollutants produced by the industry. Although its elements are not pollutants . It is the energy of sunlight which transforms it into a mixture of smoke and fog .
Pollution can be of two types. Local and Global In the past only local pollution was considered a problem. For example Dhuon generated by burning coal , is a pollutant is extremely dense. Which is harmful to health. A slogan was taught in school colleges that the solution of pollution is to lighten it . The theory was that there would be no loss from rare-low-pollution. In recent times, growing consistently received research consciousness that certain types of local pollution , now all arising from nuclear explosions like becoming a threat to world radioactivity. Environmental improvements have started with the consciousness of local and global pollution . Which, by human activities , To prevent the environment being contaminated , it can be minimized.

Such as vegetable growing in the sea and lakes algae etc. that cause pollution is , industrial agriculture , up leaving the residential Colunion f'k get specific substance thrive nutrition. Heavy elements such as Ladd and Mercury have their place in the geochemical cycle . They are excavated and depending on how their production process is, how they go intensely in the environment. As human element of these elements is called environmental pollution. Just pollution , indigenous or historical nature that may arise from Bhurasaynik activity.

The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also gets polluted if it produces an inappropriate difference in the earth's environment. Due to the increase in the gases producing ' green house ' effect the temperature of the ground is increasing continuously. Thereby Himkndon coastal areas will increase the rate of melting and rising sea level , submerged will be. However, these research is not accepted by the western countries, especially the United States . The meaning of pollution is determined by different references.

Conventional pollution consists of air , water , radioactivity and so on. If they are analyzed at global level, then pollution of sound , light etc. is also included.

Serious pollution are the main source for the generation , chemical industry , oil Rifaynrijh , nuclear waste sites , waste household , plastic industry , car industry , Pshugrih , crematorium etc. Molecular institute , oil tank , produces very serious pollution on accidents. Some major pollutants are chlorinated , hydrocarbons , heavy element ladders , cadmium , chromium , zinc , arsenic , Banzene etc. are also major pollutants

After natural calamities, pollution is generated. When the waves return after the large sea storms, the garbage takes away waste mush municipal waste from the oil factories including litter , broken boat-cars , beach . After the study of ' tsunami ' , he told that in the coastal fish , the proportion of heavy elements was greatly increased.

Pollutants give rise to various types of diseases. Such as cancer , Ilerjee , asthma , immune diseases and so on. As far as certain diseases have been given the name of the pollutant that produces them . As the disease caused by Mercury compounds is called ' minamata ' .