If You Are Still Using Poloniex Exchange Their New T&Cs Should Make You Think Again

in #poloniex7 years ago


I have previously posted on how I finally stopped using Poloniex. You can find those posts here and here.

It still continues to surprise me that people persist in using them despite multiple red flags that suggest something is very wrong.


Just to recap here is a summary for the main reasons I stopped using them:


There have been numerous red flags up until now.

  1. A complete failure to scale in order to meet periods of demand during significant price movements despite having several years to do so. Often people losing money due to margin calls or inability to execute trades. The same excuses being used repeatedly for the last 4 years.

  2. Consistently terrible customer service.

  3. Huge numbers of complaints from customers never being answered or addressed except when they take to social media - in some cases even that did not help.

  4. Random "manual" verification for withdrawals irrespective of verification status. No explanation of why or any indication of how long such withdrawals would take. Some people stuck in limbo indefinitely.

  5. Suspension of the trollbox "allegedly" to dedicate more staff to customer service - which makes no sense, moderating a troll box is not the same as helping customers with problems. The fact that the troll box had filled up mostly with service complaints seems a more likely reason.

  6. Constant rumours of insolvency - ordinarily these would be taken with a grain of salt, however, given the above behaviour it is hard to dismiss them. Very similar behaviour has occurred in the months (sometimes even a year or longer) running up to the failure of other exchanges.

The New T&Cs From Last Week Simply Add to the Concerns in the Points Above!

I have been catching up with some of last week's news and finally got a chance to look at the new terms and conditions that they released.


More problems as if they were needed.

If these don't make you reconsider using the exchange then I don't know what will!

Whether it is poor management/ judgment or actual preparation for insolvency is irrelevant - why risk your money if you do not have to?

Anyway - I fully expect the usual moronic responses to this saying that they have been able to use Poloniex without problems and that it is the best exchange.

I heard exactly the same things before MT GOX, Cryptsy or numerous other exchanges failed. Some people like to live in constant denial.

If the warning signs are there and you refuse to listen then perhaps you deserve to lose your money.

The New Terms and Conditions

Screenshot 2017-08-07 16.05.52.png

The New Terms and Conditions

I can't cover every single detail so I will highlight the things that stand out to me most. You can read the full information on Poloniex or if you prefer there is a Pastebin here.


This is right at the top and is shortly followed by:

These Terms affect your legal rights and obligations, including but not limited to the binding arbitration provisions contained in Section 23 below that may significantly affect your legal rights, including your right to file a lawsuit in court and to have a jury hear your claims. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, do not access or use the Services.

Poloniex reserves the right to change or modify the terms and conditions contained in these Terms, including but not limited to any policy or guideline of the Site, at any time and at its sole discretion.

We will provide notice of these changes by posting the revised Terms to the Site and changing the "Last Revised" date at the top of the Terms, or by emailing Users at their provided email addresses, or by any other means as determined by Poloniex. Method of notification will be left to Poloniex's sole discretion. Using a particular form of notice in some instances does not obligate us to use the same form in other instances. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the revisions to the Site or at the instant that Poloniex transmits the information to the Users (e.g. via email). These changes will apply at that instant to all then current and subsequent uses of the Site. You waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications. Your continued use of this Site acts as acceptance of such changes or modifications. If you do not agree to the Terms in effect when you access or use the Site, you must stop using the Site.

I won't copy all of Section 23 here because it is too long but will include this excerpt because it is relevant to the top paragraph:

any dispute arising under your use of the Services shall be finally settled on an individual basis through confidential, binding arbitration in accordance with the American Arbitration Association's rules for arbitration of consumer-related disputes, available at www.adr.org or by calling 1-800-778-7879, and you and Poloniex hereby expressly waive trial by jury...

ADDITIONALLY, YOU HEREBY WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT OR CLASS-WIDE ARBITRATION. We each agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action.

So basically by using Poloniex you "agree" not to take part in any class action lawsuit against them or any kind of jury trial. Disputes must proceed through arbitration.

They can also change the T&Cs and conditions at any time and in any way.

As soon as they do that and transmit them in any way you automatically accept them the next time you use the exchange - they don't even need to get you to specifically tick a yes box or click on any confirmation.

Just using the exchange constitutes acceptance.

To me this seems like a definite pre-emptive action to protect themselves if Poloniex either negligently or maliciously loses your money.

Perhaps they are preparing for insolvency.

It is hard to say for sure but this should be a massive red flag for anyone who is still using them.

I have no idea how enforceable or even legal this is but it is pretty crazy.

While the Account and the Services provided to a User are not transferable under any circumstance and shall be used only by the User, Poloniex shall have the right to transfer, assign, or sell all the rights, benefits, or obligations to any person and these Terms shall continue to be in force and effect for the benefit of the successors and assigns of Poloniex or its lenders, if any.

Unless I'm misunderstanding this Poloniex can basically sell your account or access to it to anyone they like.

You acknowledge and agree that any materials, including but not limited to questions, comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, original or creative materials or other information or commentary you provide on our platform or one of our social media accounts, regarding Poloniex or the Services (collectively, "Feedback") that are provided by you, whether by email, posting to the Site or otherwise, are non-confidential and will become the sole property of Poloniex. Poloniex will own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property rights, and will be entitled to the unrestricted use and dissemination of such Feedback for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you.

So Poloniex "own" anything you say to them or about them?

If that is truly what they are saying I would love to see how they would defend that in court - then again if you believe their T&Cs then you can't take them to court.



Maybe you enjoy taking unnecessary risks. I don't.

There isn't really much more to say.

If you are perfectly fine with all the previous problems at Poloniex and the frankly crazy new "Terms and Conditions" please keep using them.

Either you are so rich that you don't care about money, you get off on taking unnecessary risks or are in complete denial.

That is not me but I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you for reading



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"To me this seems like a definite pre-emptive action to protect themselves if Poloniex either negligently or maliciously loses your money."

Agreed, but as I'm guessing you already know, this is a pretty standard piece of boilerplate legalese, at least in the US. You agree to this with a ton of other contracts - utilities, large purchases, etc.

The first 5 out of 6 things you listed above also apply to Coinbase/GDAX. Particularly the truly awful service. I'm avoiding both of these locations as much as humanly possible.

Thanks for the recap.

I would not be surprised I think sometimes they recycle these things and possibly don't even check themselves. That said this is a conscious decision on their part to change.

As for Coinbase have also heard a lot about poor service there and on GDAX. It's partly why I have never used them.

I can't REALLY trust any exchange...

Better safe than sorry and keep them in your own wallets and cold storage.


100% - the sooner we get viable decentralised exchanges (with decent liquidity and a solution to the gateway trust issue) the better.

Completely agree with this. The charges of trades are very high nobody is taking a note of that. I wrote a post on Irony of trading Cryptocurrencies on Centralised exchanges and why I moved to bitshares. But without the volumes on these DEX are still a long way from mass adoption. The spread is so wide that no serious traders would consider DEX yet.

Thanks I will check it out. I think with Bitshares etc. it is a chicken and egg situation. Hard to get more people without volume, hard to get volume without more people!

pretty much this. it gets insanely annoying to download the entire blockchain of every coin you're interested in. DEX can't come soon enough.

Yes or alternatively a truly secure multi wallet.

I hear you @cryptofiend

I will mainly be on the sidelines watching until that day happens but will continue to trade my BTC, ETH, LTC in 1\3rds back and forth as the waves continue to go up and down...

Via blocktrades.us and shapeshift.io

Me too. I still try to do some day trading in the hope that I will get better at it but I keep the majority of things offline in my own wallets.

What wallets you use ?

Normally I use the official ones. Like for ether I use the MIST wallet and for bitcoin I use Bitcoin core - I find that it is the most secure way to do things. JAXX is great as a multi wallet but has had security issues. I'm looking at getting some hardware wallets once more stock comes in right now there is a shortage.

Thanks for this ! I like exodus but doesn't support steem and Coinbase for BTC .
I check in Mist now and bitcoin core

I have been using the Electrum wallet for the past two years.I have not encountered any issues while using it.Its a legit wallet.

Never hear of this one but will check them all out. Thanks so much for the tip

Playing\Trading with 33% of my stash allows me to break them up into additional THIRDS to trade on the swings in price so I don't RISK my main 2\3rds which is safely secure for MOON TRAVELING!



What is wonderful?

Don't spam unrelated links. What does this have to do with Poloniex?

no, spam I was just showing a decentralized exchange, sry

OK but please give some explanation next time. There are too many spammers so it is not possible to always check things out unless you know for sure what they are.

I would like to spam you lols

Agree, we cant use exchanges as coin safe deposit.. Still wee need them to do trades, will be use an exchange that continously give people trouble?...

We all pray for a decentralized exchange, that would solve so many problems and will give us a big relief...

I prefer to keep them in my own wallets and trade them in THIRDS via BLOCKTRADES.US & SHAPESHIFT.IO when I see a WINDOW of PROFIT OPPORTUNITY!

Blocktrades is good!... Altought most of the time trade rate are bad, exchanges will give you higher profit... Havent tested SHapeshift.io yet...

But never use poloniex...

most my crypto is offline, only a little (2%) remaining online is safe gaurded with 2fa on bittrex

most my crypto is offline, only a little (2%) remaining online is safe gaurded with 2fa on bittrex

That's true. I take my chances and just have multiple...just in case. But it's getting to that point to where there is a significant amount of money in the crypto currency industry and these folks have to get it the fuk together. Excuse me language....Cause it has been frustrating in the past. And I don't like how STEEM and SBD always conveniently has problems on the Poloniex platform.

My strategy is to continue to BUY in 1\3rds and SELL in 1\3rds

thirds rule strategy

its just not steem, poloneix is having issues with other coins too, ive had really slow withdrawal times recently with them!

If you want to keep money safe use hardware wallets and BTC/ETH only exchanges then take your money off there and use Shapeshift or Changelly and you will be fine :D

But sometime from a cold purse it is necessary to deduce on a stock exchange, for an exchange

Terrifying. I'll be responding by taking my (small number) of assets off Poloniex. Thanks very much. Resteeemed.

Haha, me too, went straight to Poloniex to check my balance there. I had 0.075 ETH there, just paid a 0.05 ETH fee for withdrawing the remaining 0.025 ETH. :-)

You should. I did that a while back and am glad I did.

that's quite alarming!
Thanks for the info.. I haven't read that.

You're welcome:)

I like bittrex a lot, I was hoping the bitshares exchange would be get more liquidity by now, guess we wait.
Majority of my assets are on hardware wallets, not worth taking any chances.

It is still early days for them though. Bitshares is continuing to be improved from what I understand - I think it is inevitable that it will take more central exchange failures to make people shift.

lovely post,but from your own view how do you rate bitrix and yobit???? https://steemit.com/life/@chuxlouis/a-letter-of-love-to-my-son..please if u can kindly look at this and do what your mind tells you please ,i am sorry if this comment offends you,but i really do need your assistance with resteem please.

I don't use Yobit. Not had any significant problems with Bittrex so I mainly use them. Don't know enough about the other big exchanges to recommend them. I would suggest you not post unrelated links in comments - you can share post links in the appropriate groups in Steemitchat. Also your link doesn't work anyway.

Very nice imformation

You're welcome!

It's one thing for poloniex to state that they are overwhelmed by too many requests making them take forever to respond to all of them in a timely manner but it's pretty unacceptable for poloniex to not warn their client their SBD and Steem transfer are not working at this moment.

When I first got into crypto I was recommended Poloniex so I had a few SBD and steem with them. I had a ticket open and waiting for ages now... no reply. I clicked a withdrawal link sent to my email but the transfer never authorized. A simple feature to revert any transactions that are "pending" longer than a few days would automatically fix this issue. It's pathetic, really.

I'm glad I decided to switch to Bittrex and not deal with all the deplorable things they are doing there. Maybe another BTC-E will happen sooner or later but it seems like Poloniex are wary of a legal battle and they are trying to protect themselves @thecryptofiend

I try to keep all my coins in cold wallets nowadays.
(Sorry for being a bit late to your post today) haha

I clicked a withdrawal link sent to my email but the transfer never authorized. A simple feature to revert any transactions that are "pending" longer than a few days would automatically fix this issue. It's pathetic, really.

You would think so.

Maybe another BTC-E will happen sooner or later but it seems like Poloniex are wary of a legal battle and they are trying to protect themselves @thecryptofiend

Yes quite possible.

I try to keep all my coins in cold wallets nowadays.

Makes sense.

is it true that poloniex kept the bcc from btc users?

They said that they would only take decision on seeing the hard fork situation whether to support BCC or not and till now,i think they have not announced their support.

I quit polo some time ago. I never kept crypto on exchanges anyway, after being burnt by mt Gox. When polo started mucking around and suspending coins such as Steem, then froze my withdrawals for no good reason and took 2-3 weeks to answer support tickets I decided enough was enough.

There is something seriously wrong with this exchange. It will not survive as crypto goes mainstream. Stay away.

100% it is likely they are shouting failure to everyone, yet people still blindly use them.

yea I saw a video about this explaining that they are wavering their customers' freedom to launch a class action lawsuit against them. How can doing that possibly be legal?!