PSA: Do not send your Steem or SBD to Poloniex

Both deposits and withdrawals for STEEM and SBD on Poloniex are not being processed since two days. Deposits are not being credited to your Poloniex account and withdrawals are not sent. Poloniex has had issues with the STEEM wallet before, but this time they don't even give us a warning. They should temporarily disable deposits and withdrawals as long as it doesn't work, but after two days they still haven't taken any action yet. There are reports that they don't respond to support tickets either.
As you can see on many Steemians are still trying to deposit their STEEM on Poloniex. A total of 26,033 STEEM was transfered to Poloniex yesterday. Hopefully the amounts will be credited to the appropriate Poloniex accounts as soon as possible.
The latest withdrawal from Poloniex to a STEEM wallet was on 2017-12-06 09:42:36 UTC which was included in block 17,844,716. All withdrawals after this date are still on hold.
I would like to see STEEM added to more exchanges. Binance for example has 180 coins available to trade, but STEEM is still missing. Maybe we, as a community, should all ask them to add STEEM? I've just sent my request to [email protected].
I've sent 93SBD to those fuckers 3 days ago, opened 2 support tickets, and still nothing!
And they're actually blaming this on Steemit Inc. (call them SBD team, WTF?!)
They should be boycotted for this!
Agreed I have been having no issues with @blocktrades. Poloniex has stolen my steem for the last time. I'm done with the scammers!
I sent to SBD 5 days ago and now the portfolio is in maintenance due to the disparity in prices so that they are not arbitrated. The worst part is that you have to change your SBD there. You can not return them to another portfolio or pass them to Bittrex to sell at a higher price.
omg, this is horrible.. thanks god , my transfer to bittrex was fine!
Yes, congratulations because Bittrex proves once again that it is a good exchange. By the middle of the year, Poloniex had also presented problems, I thought they had already resolved completely, but apparently not. I hope my SBDs arrive soon!
@penguinpablo thanks for keeping the steemit community posted on this issue. This is a real action to save lots of steamians from loosing funds or having a long time to get them back.
Yesterday I had 2 issues with the ETH network, and only one was solved today. Waiting on Openledger-dex to help me with the other one. They are on maintenance now and can't credit the funds to my account until they finish this.
Yesterday BTC and ETH were bottlenecked and hundreds of thousands of transactions were on hold, because they can't delivery, and this is just the beginning. Perhaps this is one of the facts that explains the SBD rise and consequently STEEM, in addition to all the developments going on on Steem, and that the SMTs are on its way, and many other great developments such as @utopian-io that is disrupting the way opensource projects are funded.
Things are getting crazy on crypto now, and when the moment comes, the biggest transfer of wealth in world history will be in our eyes, when funds go from bitcoin and ehc, to the big 3 (bitshares, steem and eos). What amazing times we are living with crypto.
Regards, @gold84
Good to see more attention being brought to this.. I posted about this last night to help too!
Issues being reported depositing to Poloniex
Ya I have some cash tied up there, kinda blows.
True story about the bottleneck, my ETH withdrawal was processed for 14 hours! But it might be arbitrage prevention...
Yeah second that thanks @penguinpablo - I used Coinbase to buy some STEEM and it worked fast.
But there is also amazing side to all of this - Kraken crashing, Poloniex being slow, CoinBase adding 100K accounts a day - we live in amazing time and should be patien and enjoy the ride heh!
thank you @penguinpablo I have been trying to get the word out for days now! I have no voice. Thank you.
Millions in Steem Being Held Hostage
Amounts held hostage:
18,223,151.331 STEEM
596,379.128 SBD
Total worth: about $40 million US dollar. OMG!
So, more value added to the rest of coin supply.
That is a positive way to look at it.
1/7 (about 14%) of all SBD ever created O_O
When I seen this a few days ago I tried getting the word out but people thought I was nuts. OMG is correct! This is beyond acceptable normal business practices. Just by a little lol...
You have got your voice :
) steemthat is backing you.
Notice people are flagging this post trying to hide the truth...Let's publish those names of the dishonest. I'll pull the data.
Here are the names of the flaggers trying to hide the truth.
@nextgencrypto, @ozchartart, @ngc, @berniesanders, @speakyourmind, @engagement, @thecyclist, @iflagtrash, @thedelegator, @danknugs, @theyeti, @thesloth, @randomthoughts
These people do not have your interest at heart.
I don't understand?
I wonder if they are stuck trying to do things by hand right now. No excuse for lack of communication, but I wonder if their automated service went down and they are scrambling to fix it.
Just use Bittrex.
Hasn't Bittrex had similar problems in the past?
I am honestly not sure, I have never had an issue with them personally.
I think I remember reading about it but now I'm worried that I might be spreading false info as I haven't used neither poloniex, nor bittrex myself.
Well, the good thing is you never said they did. xD Just asked the question.
There are a few people I know with 6000 Steem being held hostage and one guy 100k not deposited. It is huge once they hold your steem hostage.
That is absolutely ridiculous and there is no excuse for doing that with a lack of communication.
I've heard so many bad things about them that I'm slowly starting to withdraw whatever I have on my account with them.....
So I stopped using polo for a long time because of this, and then I fell for it again, now they are holding some of my sbd haha. Im really liking open ledger more and more.
Idk. Open ledger sounds quite complicated tbh. But I've been hearing so many good things about them that I actually want to give them a try.
I hope you don't have a lot of funds locked away on poloniex though! I have about 200 SBD locked up on bittrex too because they refuse to verify me. Bought them at $0.9 through eth and I just want to withdraw them now.... Doubt that's gonna happen so I've basically given up on those funds :/
have you tried just withdrawing a small amount at a time? As long as you stay below the threshold they should allow you to withdraw without a verification.
I'm barred from withdrawing anything until they verify me which I doubt will happen any time soon x_x
I guess until then, blocktrades will have to do!
At least its not going anywhere -_-
Yea they finally accepted my verification!
Unfortunately I missed out on the steem/sbd pump so I'll just wait for another pump before I convert them to steem again :/
Yay! Yes, sbd is a new favorite of mine :)
Polo finally credited my account as well but dealing with those exchanges is a caution.
@arthestically, The verification on bittrex is simple. I did mine under twenty minutes. They just require you upload a document; a passport or ID plus a selfie of you with said ID or passport wearing a different cloth from picture on ID. Within twenty minutes the whole process is over and I'm able to transfer out whatever I want.
No they wouldn't let me log in and emailed me to ask me to verify myself. Then they refused to verify me as they had "too many requests" -_-
In any case they have verified my information now though so all good :)
That is good to hear; I am glad they have fixed it.
I'll look into open ledger or any exchange that isn't stealing people's funds. Thanks for sharing.
They are trying to avoid arbitrage since SBD are worth 8.5$ on Poloniex while in HitBtc they are worth over 12,5$.
I have a withdrawal in pending for 10 hours...
Best post all day! Thank you!
so tired of the issues they have with some of these I don't understand what the hold up is all the time with them
This is like the 5th time it's happen. I honestly think in some way it is a price manipulation scheme because every time it happens there's a big price increase.