Get Out and Vote - AI ImagesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics5 months ago

I am generating an image a day on Night Cafe .

It is election day in the United States. As people are focused on politics, I felt the need to post something political. I am not fond of either of main candidates. So I decided to generate a pixar style cartoon of cartoon characters voting. High Rez.

As you see all the pixar animals are super happy about voting and ballots are flying every which way.

US elections have become increasingly difficult to predict. People are uneasy to give accurate responses to pollsters. As US society is becoming increasingly polarized, the result depends largely on which side gets out the most votes.

To add to the confusing, many states turned to mail in ballots during the pandemic.

I am not keen on mail in ballots and it empowers people willing to engage in vote harvesting. Regardless of which party receives the harvested votes, the practice is bad because vote harvesting tends to favor provocative candidates.

My direct experience is that Democrats are usually more aggressive in vote harvesting. Trump has been attracting the blowhards who try to intimidate people to vote for their candidate.

Awaiting the Result

2024 has been a truly contentious election year. The party in power engaged in "lawfare" against the opposition. The Democrats have started throwing frivolous lawsuits at the opposition. I've encountered an unusual amount of hate rhetoric thrown followed by several assassination attempts.

I fear that the US might be re-entering the Jim Crow era. During the Jim Crow Era, the Democrats lynched people who challenged their authority.

Hostility Leads to Uncertainty

The hostility tends to lead to uncertainty. This is reflected a bit in the wild fluctuations in crypto.

The Utah Ballot

I received a mail in ballot. I found the choice particularly troubling. As you see the second candidate in the long list of presidential candidates is "Lucifer."

This threw me into a troubling decision. Should I vote Lucifer or for one of his minions? Either way it is a troubling decision.