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RE: Is bigger government always worse than smaller government?

in #politics8 years ago

I agree there has to be a transition phase we can't just scap the government and expect everything to fall into place.

My thoughts are we should first scrap party politics have local people elected by the community and they all have an equal say in every matter. Eventually as you point out creating a localised system, I like the system of having elders in tribes. Hopefully that will bring about similar change to what you describe. I don’t like government but agree until we have change the paradigm first and when hundreth monkey has awoken people will be more open to the big change of no government.

It has to be done in stages and building freedom as you say is prority. Even change the selection system; as in the UK it is complety rigged in the favour of the oppressor, and everyone knows this but dont feel they can change it. This I feel is the prime objective.

Great post very thought inducing :)


New Paradigm: The ratio of federal congressman to resident is 1:750,000.

Bring that down to 1:30,000 and the people have greater control over who Serves us in the house. This isn't expanding government like hiring more deep state employees to extort us but merely bringing government processes closer to our living rooms and providing better accountability.

Check out my latest post on this very subject: