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in #politics7 years ago

This Trump hero worship is ridiculous.

I'm anti-Trump and anti-Hillary.

No one gets to be president (figure head) of the American empire unless they're permitted by the establishment.

The sooner people break out of the left/right, dem/rep, conservative/liberal, yes/no binary way of thinking of politics the better off everyone will be.

Yes, Hillary represents the Deep State and yes Trump represents another faction of the Deep State.

Love your work Sean, no disrespect intended.

there will be a certain amount of dismantling of some of criminal elements within the US gov. but they will be replaced by a new set of criminals.

Trump is not the answer, he is more of the same.


After a year in crypto and seeing how much power comes from money, I'm really beginning to suspect that guys like Trump are just puppets in the hands of 'the Establishment' as you put it.

I agree with you regarding 'who' gets to be president, but the rules around who may be permitted may have shifted.
It does say something about him, when world leaders, business leaders, and military leaders, all seem to treat him different than those in the recent past.

Sorry, he surely is not more of the same...

He is following the exact same agenda of his predesesers. He is a mere puppet working for his Zionist masters do sum research

And... how do you know that; from some crazy conspiracy theory?? He is everything but a puppet!!