10 Videos That Reveal Denied Truths About The Events of The 911 - World Trade Center / Pentagon Attacks.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Today marks yet another anniversary of the events of 911 that led to millions dying and untold suffering around the world. It remains extremely important to continue exposing the crimes of that day and the massive coverup that followed, since our present day politics are still being shaped by the fall-out from it all and many of the criminals in western governments that were active then (and their groups) continue to call the shots today in important places/ways.

For those who try to shame and guilt those who expose the truth of these events by portraying researchers as heartless exploiters of victims - I say this:

"If there is nothing to hide, then there's no problem with investigating the full details. We owe everyone who died as a result of this the honour of FULLY investigating everything that occurred there and not blindly accepting the half baked ideas presented to us on a plate by those who stood to gain massive wealth from our compliance and silence."

James Corbett - "When False Flags Don't Fly"

An overview of the concept and history of 'False Flag Terror' events - where terrorist events are caused by a group and blamed on another group to further their own agenda:

911 Trillions: Follow the money

Numerous investigations were launched into highly suspicious trading that occurred prior to the events of 911 which show that lots of money was made due to prior knowledge of the 911 events. Several other major threads of investigation are also exposed in this highly detailed video, I highly recommend taking the time to watch it in full:

General Wesley Clark - The invasion of Iraq Was planned before 911

Highly decorated US Military Whistleblower - General Wesley Clark - states here specifically, that far from 911 being the motivating factor for America's invasion of Iraq - in reality the American military and government had drawn up plans to invade numerous countries, including Iraq years earlier. This totally contradicts and exposes the cover story told by George Bush and his cronies.

Susan Landauer - CIA Whistleblower

Susan worked as a CIA liaison between the Iraqi and American governments at the time of 911 and she tells a radically different story to the politics surrounding and preceding 911. She states that the Iraqis were totally complying with all American requests and American government agents were putting undue pressure on the Iraqis consistently. The criminal cabal in the American government eventually attempted to put here in a mental hospital/prison to silence her but after some time in jail she was saved when the judge in the case realised that she was being falsely charged and set her free.

Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth: Building 7

One of the most blatant pieces of evidence for an 'inside job' is that there was a 3rd building that fell that day - World Trade Center Building 7. Even though no planes hit the building it still managed to fall at near free fall speed into it's own footprint. This has been described as being totally impossible without pre-placed demolitions charges by numerous professionals in the field. The A&E for 911 Truth group represents over 2000 Architects and Engineers who are staking their reputation on the fact that the 'official narrative' put forward by the US government cannot possibly be true.

It is quite likely that the plan was for WTC7 to also be hit by one of the planes that didn't make it all the way to the target and the building contained so much incriminating evidence into the crimes of the cabal inside the American Government that it was decided to go ahead with the demolition anyway and rely on the confusion and denial involved to keep the crime hidden. It almost worked.

September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor

This is a detailed look into many of the highly suspect aspects of the events of 911 - with specific reference to the 'neo-con' document 'Project for a new American Century' that, prior to 911, called for a catalysing event that would be 'a new pearl harbour' for the purpose of justifying transformation of America's military and political agendas.

'Back To The Future' Movies contains numerous encodings of references to 911!

This may be too 'far out' for some viewers, but none the less - it is hard to deny the patterns that were encoded into these movies. Years before the events of 911 this series of films were made which include, for example, an arabic terrorist attack on 'the lone pines' mall - which then switches to a single pine 'mall' in an alternate timeline within the movie's plotline. The twin towers themselves appear in one of the movies, in a symbolic scene and so too do numerous other clues. The maker of the movies later went on to make a film about the Twin Towers (after 911) in which a character who is dressed very similarly to the character in 'Back to the Future' is scene walking between the towers on a tight rope. I highly recommend watching this and the more skeptical you are the better ;)

Robert Baer - CIA Agent Who openly stated US Gov. Agents Had Prior Knowledge of the Events of 911

Robert was a CIA Operative who regularly appeared on American TV as a 'talking head' to give his insights into current events. In this video it can be seen that he states on video that he knew someone 'at the whitehouse' who 'cashed out' before 911 as they knew the events were about to 'go down':

Psychologists help 911 Deniers

Denial is the primary problem faced by humanity today and in this video, several professional psychologists who recognise that 911 was an 'inside job' give advice to those among us who prefer to deny the facts:

Free Fallin' - A musical tribute to building 7

May the truth set us free!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Nicely prepared my friend. I saw few really interesting documentaries where, you can clearly see how big lie the 9/11 was ... shocking that people are still ignoring facts, and they don't really know the true.. another proof that people prefers lies ... thanks for sharing it. upped

Thanks! Yes, the 'war on terror' is very much the war inside people's minds that has them fighting their own fear and denying reality in the process.

It's so obvious, how could anybody deny it at this point?

There is a huge gap of unconsciousness in humanity among and inside those who deny real feelings - the result is that fear is running a large number of humans without them being honest enough to accept that as being true. Fear, in this case, is causing many to deny reality in favour of lies since they think the alternative is too terrifying. Hence the 'War on Terror'.

Great collection. I try not to be too political about 9/11...on 9/11, but that is because of my proximity to it. I just want people to understand that government they ran to for protection afterwards is the same one that caused the death and destruction that are so fearful of.

All lightbulbs that switch on will add to the light!

Agreed. I'll be doing a podcast about it today.

Dope video! It is always refreshing to see people doing research with an open mind to uncover the truth, rather than being sheeps and feeding off what the mainstream media provides us.

This post has received a 4.59 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

I recommend Judy Wood's presentation about 9/11 if you want to learn about the actual technology that was probably used to bring down the towers. It's easy to find-- just go on Youtube and search: Judy Woods 9/11

Thanks, yes, I am aware of Judy Woods. I don't usually promote her work because I have seen how it is actually not so scientific at all - despite the appearance as such. I would read her book but it is still expensive and I also disagree with that approach a great deal.

This post has received a 50.00 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul. Please vote @swelker101 for witness

one of the biggest tragedy :/