The Truth About Donald Trump That The Alt Right Would Never Want You To Know

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Donald John Trump is a shill for Rothschilds owned government of Israel and his administration is filled with former Goldmans Sachs employees,billionaires,Neocons,CFR members...etc yet the so called "Alt Right" in the U.S would go as far as to claim he is "Anti-Establishment" because of the U.S 2016 (s)elections which was essentially a CIA psy op to garner support for a war mongering Wall Street Billionaire whose rhetoric sounded seclusionist just like George W Bush yet when he got into office,he did the same thing as Obama and made arms deals with the Saudis,attacked Syria because of a false flag chemical attack conducted by U.S backed "moderate" rebels while blaming Assad,and his CIA Director Mike Pompeo gave a medal to Saudi Arabia "for their efforts in combatting terrorism" after the Saudi led coalition massacred thousands of innocent men,women and children in Yemen.Even before the elections,it was a well-documented fact that like the Devos family who owns the Pyramid Company known as Amway which had ties to the Rothschilds,Trump,himself was the head a pyramid scam called the "Trump Network" which scammed thousands of people.It would be no wonder that Trump picked Betsy Devos for the postion of Secretary Of Education.
Wilbur Ross & Rothschild Connection:

Trump's CIA Director giving a medal to Saudi Arabia for their "efforts in combating terrorism":

Trump's Pyramid Scheme: