Michelle Wu's Bad Idea

in #politics9 months ago

There is nothing that annoys the heck out of me more than people whose ideology trumps their commitment to ensuring continuing civilization. As a leader, the continuation of civilization must be paramount. Yet certain people disagree. One of those people is Boston Mayor, Michelle Wu.

Mayor Wu is just one of a growing number of city officials in this country that wishes to enact suicidal policies on the American people living there. I have covered others before, most notably Chicago’s own Brandon Johnson.

Wu has endorsed a new, “progressive” agenda that shows her steadfast commitment to soft on crime policies.

She has said that she would refuse to prosecute crimes, including:
• Shoplifting
• Larceny
• Disorderly conduct
• Reception of stolen property
• Driving with a suspended license
• Breaking and entering with property damage
• Wanton and malicious destruction of property
• Threats
• Alcohol possession as a minor
• Possession of marijuana
• Possession and intending to distribute
• Other drug possession

We can debate whether or not marijuana possession warrants prosecution, but shoplifting? Really? What is the point of going to the store and buying something with my own money if I could just shoplift?

I have heard a lot from people about how shoplifting “isn’t a big deal.” Yeah, one item being shoplifted may not be a big deal, but eventually all of it adds up if it just keeps happening. People call slippery slope a fallacy, but is it really a fallacy if it ends up true?

Then there is the good old “why are you shilling for mega-corporations” line. Do you think that shoplifting doesn’t affect small businesses too? Are mom and pops somehow immune from this behavior?

I swear that the left has this sort of noble view of shoplifters, these modern day Robin Hoods that steal from giant chains to feed their families. That there is some sort of shoplifter code of honor somewhere that they all abide by. That touching the small stores is a no no.

Well, let me tell you, I work in an office supply store, and these people aren’t stealing food or medicine. They’re stealing headphones and other leisure items. There is nobility, there is only trashy behavior.

Then there is larceny. Larceny is defined as nonviolent theft of personal property. It is like shoplifting but applied to the rest of the world. Basically, if someone takes your bike that is sitting outside, they wouldn’t be punished for it.

Disorderly conduct, which is what is sounds like, would also not be prosecuted. This would give people permission to engage in behavior that threatens the harmony of society. The obscene would be normalized.

I am not going down all of this list because I think that it is all pretty obvious where this is going to lead. Especially threats. Why would we not prosecute threats? If I am going to threaten someone, should I be allowed to walk the street in a wait and see manner?

What we will get are these cases where people harm others, and we find out that threats were issued beforehand. Then the city officials will wonder how they could have possibly seen such a heinous action coming.

Also, what is it with the left and wanting to legalize drug use? I don’t want to legalize drug use. Imagine putting all that bad stuff in your body. Couldn’t be me. All it does is make society trashier.

Most of this list has to do with property damage, which is not surprising to me considering that the left doesn’t see property as valuable for whatever reason. I would imagine that the punishment for a person defending their property would be harsh.

Remember kids, “why do you value property more than the lives of others?” To which I respond, “why do you value my property over your own life?”

Mayor Wu has also advocated for shutting down the Boston Police gang database.
Wu has been a silly person for a long time now. When she was first elected, she opened offices that focused on food justice, black male advancement, LGBTQ+ advancement, etc. In all honesty, we should have known where things would be headed at that point.

Wu was also the same person who had that holiday party hosted for non-white city council members only. Remember that? For a person who wants to combat racism, she sure doesn’t like white people.
You know, for a person who comes from the Asian American racial group, a group that has become the victim of many a heinous crime as of late, she sure as heck doesn’t seem interested in combatting it.

Why does it matter?

What Mayor Wu is doing is just another example in a long line of examples of liberal and left-wing politicians putting the well-being of criminals and the dregs of society over the law-abiding citizen who just wants to get by.
There is no justification for any of this. Societies and civilizations have rules and laws for a reason. They help protect normal people from those who would seek to do them harm. They protect us from anarchy.

If rules and laws apply only to the normal, law-abiding citizen going about their day but not the deviant who lives dishonestly, then why should we even follow the law at all? Why shouldn’t I be allowed to just rob a bank?
Oh right, technically that isn’t on the list of protected prosecutions. In that case, why can’t I just “shoplift” a bank? If we are all going to be allowed to play stupid games, we may as well be allowed to win big prizes.

You have people who live in these places that wonder why their areas are turning to garbage and at the same time they vote in people like this. What do they expect is going to happen when thieves are allowed to do whatever they want?
Okay, maybe they will vote for the social policies. I love some social policies, but not enough for me to sacrifice high trust society.

This is the stupid thing about US politics and our two-party system. You have some good ideas on both sides of the aisle, but then you also have really horrible ideas that are pushed by the same people.
Yeah, generic Democrat 1 may support worker’s rights, but what does it matter if they support letting criminals walk free from prosecution? Sure, generic Republican A supports a strong border, but what does that matter if we are sending money overseas?

Our civilization cannot survive if the people who actually contribute it have no protection from the people who seek to destroy it. We may as well just dissolve the United States of America at this point and become the Territory.


Michelle Wu is not alone in her efforts to help destroy American civilization. There is an entire segment of the population who believes that this is a just and necessary thing. Ultimately, we must do something about this thought process in order for us to right our course.

I am glad that I do not live in a city like Boston. American cities used to be the prime example of American greatness and achievement. Now they are protection rackets for gangs and their criminal underlings.
We need a full reset of the cities. The house must be cleaned out so the good, normal people of the United States of America can once again prosper.