We the Corporations of the United States. The agenda isn’t the problem, Trump is.

in #politics7 years ago

 America, the land of lobbying and home of the apathetic. What we have seen of Donald Trump since 2015 from a political idealism standpoint, is absolutely idiocracy. Not because he is outspoken and has different opinions then the establishment, but because of the absolute bankrupt moral and ethical standpoint of the ideas being brought up. Not only did he initially called Mexican’s “Rapist and Drug Dealers” or the calling out of a “Black Supporter” at one of his campaign rallies, and the absolute topper was the dick joke. Now, this might not be alarming to somebody who doesn’t understand politics, geopolitical events, human behavior, and especially psychology; which, is understandable. But for the Trump supporters who do understand those situations I labeled, what the hell are you doing? 

 Right now, America is going through a crisis in separation of powers, we are in a crisis with foreign policy, we are in a crisis with natural disasters from California to Puerto Rico, we are in a crisis with wealth inequality, and most of all we are in crisis with a man who truly doesn’t understand our constitution, our laws, basic human behavior, oh and he was a domestic abuser and did much worse than what Ben Affleck did on TRL. 

 Trump is solely the problem, not because of his agenda or what he wants to do. You could have Barack Obama pushing Trump’s tax plan and it might have passed and its because he’s literate, unlike Trump. That is the major issue, one that is a good thing for the resistance, since this might be the most corrupt, morally bankrupt cabinet that is solely emboldened to lords of society. But because of Trump’s absolute incompetence and lack of understanding of how the Constitution system we have works is going to make Trump go down as one of the worst presidents in history. Imagine if Trump ended up in 2018 dealing with a Democrat-led Congress, and not a Republican. Trump is a stereotype “Narcissistic personality disorder” if not a more severe mental disorder, now making a public claim about someone’s mental health is wrong. But in reality, it shouldn’t matter when we are talking about the situation like Trump’s. There is a notable difference in his body language, linguistic ability, and his own personality than that of the 80s -90s. It isn’t illegal for us to discuss our executive of our government and maybe the most powerful man in the world now, if anything, this is why our founding fathers put the freedom to discuss this in the Constitution. Just look at the statements made yesterday by Trump where he questioned the free press system, which is INSANE! Trump isn’t in a healthy state of mind, and if he is, then we all need to be aware and open to the idea of resistance in the face of tyranny.

 Moving forward, people in the United States of America need to understand that most of the talking points they hear on the news every day almost are irrelevant. The corporate media has paid defense industry lobbyist on every channel promoting a war with any country they can. America the empire is dying, wealth inequality at All-Time Highs, healthcare is double as expensive as majority of the modern world, there are more guns than people in the U.S., Lobbying each year is increasing as workers have less to donate, a Princeton study (And others) show that people's opinion has virtually no effect in legislation and the only thing that does matter is money. Americans don’t live in a great country, they don’t live in a great culture, they aren’t a smart citizenry, they are fat, and most of all we aren’t free. 

 As long as the defense industry is taking majority of our budget every year, as long as we give fossil fuel enough corporate subsidies to be profitable, unless we lower taxes on corporations so they can do stock buybacks, as long as we praise the rich and despise the poor, as long as humanity means less than greed, and most of all as long as we as a country keep fighting between each other and not against the elites, nothing will change. A little over 50% of Americans make less than 30k, why are they fighting against each other, when in reality those people have literally zero effect on the policies being passed or created. As Americans, we go on our Facebook, and we watch videos or see posts of people we have spoken to for years, with their opinion that we disagree with. So what does that person do? They force their opinion on someone else, who is from the same financial class as them, they get in a fight whether standing or kneeling is better during the Anthem to protest minority oppression in this country. Instead of the trucker who makes 40k a year, and the worker who makes 17k a year stocking shelves talking about systemic oppression(Whites included), they are yelling at each other whether the kneeling or standing is disrespecting the flag. When in reality one of them was using the flag for merchandising reasons (Disrespectful), the other sat drinking beer with a flag on it and was talking the whole time the anthem played(Disrespectful).

 Nothing is more disrespectful to the flag and country we live in then people trying to take the rights of others away. The President of the United States stoking division and treating peaceful protestors of justice is an absolute travesty, especially while California has over 50 wildfires raging doing immense damage. It is an absolute disgrace that we would pull out of the two major climate change legislation we have right now, as we have one of the worst hurricane seasons in recorded history, and Irma was a storm that was out of the movies about climate change. It is an absolute disgrace that we are being sold a tax cut that will absolutely destroy our deficit and give the top 1%, 80% of all the gains; while, going around telling people it’s a middle-class tax cut. Right now, since 2015, there have been over 1 billion dollars in lobbying to get this tax cut passed, that’s more than double than anything else.


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