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RE: C*cks AND Glocks: Texas' new "campus carry" law

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Odd, I've Never Been Accosted by a Handgun

Why would they be against handguns? They just rest where they're placed, unless someone picks it up.

Why Are Cop Coffee Shops Generally Safe From Robbery?

Someone goes crazy on psyche meds and starts shooting people? You want someone in the crowd who has, and knows how to use, a weapon. Nobody robs a shop filled with people trained to use guns. Not without a death wish, anyway.

1962, Rural Town USA

Probably 25% of the lockers in ELEMENTARY schools had various .22 rifles and small bore shotguns in them. Yes, during school and usually daily. Why? Because the 10yr olds were responsible for bringing home some food, if possible, on their way home from school each day.

What's changed?

Gee, kids aren't raised with guns and gun safety anymore. It's a tragedy and it regularly kills kids each year, when they're ignorant of gun safety and exposed to a gun.

Help Save the Children, Re-Legalize Personal Weapons