My thoughts on ANTIFA.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

What is Antifa?

Right now I only understand what the movement is from the standpoint of American politics. I understand that its pretty similar over seas but I don't know for sure how different they really are over there.

In America

The movement itself is basically the violent identity politics variation of Occupy wallstreet. Occupy wallstreet was about class based inequality so it took on that mantle of calling out the 1%. While antifa is about identity politics based inequality, race and gender ect. That is the easiest way to look at antifa. Just pay attention to what they say and promote.

Both occupy and antifa have no leader or structure, but its a lie that they have no purpose. They are movements about moral panic. The next one will be about automation or something along those lines.

Occupy == Wealth inequality
Antifa == Inequality of identity (Race, gender)

Both movements are about inequality in some form.

What do they want?

In both cases these groups desire equality of outcome. But in terms of being useful idiots they can be an amazing tool worth millions.

Here is an article pointing out that Hillary may be giving antifa money directly. Its also fairly well known that George Soros is funding antifa as well.

EXPOSED: Hillary Clinton Moved 800K From Her Campaign To Help Fund ANTIFA


Occupy wallstreet didnt really catch on at the time because nobody with money found a use for them. On the other hand antifa is super awesome if you want to stir the pot. You can use them to bring the country into damn near civil war levels of stupidity.

Why do I say that?

Antifa has something for everyone!

What if you want to bolster those mentally inept white supremacist groups like the Neo Nazis or the KKK and give them something to fight against?

Look no further, antifa is the perfect fabricated opposition for these groups ever conceived!

Just dangerous enough to be a spectacle, not dangerous enough to be a real threat. The veritable ideological Goldilocks from which the Neo Nazis can claim victimhood and have people resonate.

But lets say you are more intelligent than that. Worry not because antifa will be able to attack your sensibility of logic as well!

"Use your free speech to end free speech!"
"Lets use this movement entirely based identity(race and gender) while claiming racism is wrong."
"Racism is always wrong, unless its being used on racists!"
"Lets use violence to stop violence!" (That always works right!.... right?)
"Lets accept money so we can fight capitalism!"
"There is absolutely zero difference between words and actions!" (Mean words physically harm people! Its science!)
"Lets be communists and fight those evil authoritarians fascists!"
"Stalin never killed anyone! Those Nazis who deny the holocaust are the problem!"

... Giving antifa money is quite literally like tossing sand in peoples eyes. Antifa is a singularity of stupid. Its a vortex sucking intelligence from everything around it.

If Hillary or George Soros were your pet cat, they are currently shitting on your pillow right now. And it makes perfect sense as to why they would do this.

Why wouldn't a sociopath use them as a kind of "fuck you"?


(Hm, weren't they officially labeled as a domestic terrorist group?)

I was worried when I read the title. Many people are misled and believe in what Antifa does... so I thought "Oh no, maybe here too". Thankfully, you know what's up.

"They are against fascism", "they are against evil" Yeah, that's why they attack innocent people and destroy private properties. On the top of that, you can't argue with them or the people who stand behind them. They won't respond properly, they won't think. They are filled with hate and they won't accept different opinions or logically backed arguments. And the worst is that this is everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you are, these topics popup and they turn into zealots attacking anyone who has a different opinion.

I'm not sure how these people aren't aware that how antifa, their followers and how the "progressives" handle the biggest issues these days, they slowly create what they "fight against". Race wars, emerging extremism, less freedom of speech, police state and the list could go on and on and they are happy about it. People at the top know damn well how to control people for sure.

That song actually sums up the situation really well. It's annoying though how these "progressives" trivialize an infinite number of totally real problems by using these words for everyone they disagree with.

Good read! followed, upvoted and restreemed!

Excellent explanation! I totally agree..

Good post. Hardwork pays more so keep working hard! @thecastle Love it.