Trump Will NEVER Be MY President! Active Resistance!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

As we finish out Phase 3, we will see how Phase 4 pans out! If Clinton wins we will continue our 'bloodless' Revolution, and push for our Platform Planks to be inacted Peace will be the key! Non-violent prosperity driven movement forward!

If Trump actually wins then we go into what I call 'Active Resistance'. We will REFUSE to accept him as our president, and we will go absolutely against EVERYTHING, he and his stupid followers try to do. If he defaults the debt or drops a nuclear bomb we will BACK the military to forcefully eject him from office. We will make EVERY attempt to push a 'Dick Nixon' on him, and force him to resign the office of the President!

As I have said before...MY side is also excersising OUR 2nd Amendment Rights to 'arm up'. To Trumpeteers, This is NOT shooting 'peace niks' in a barrel! We WILL defend ourselves! I know you just 'hate' it when I tell you we plan on taking you on , & NOT running and hiding like you want us to do! We will NOT be moved!

Young people! Burn your 'draft' card because we are NOT going to be letting you go to fight Trump's Wars. Active duty service people, not to worry because we will NOT let Trump send you to some nuclear 'fall out' zone! It's not happening!

So why even TRY to put him in? We refuse to accept him as president of our nation, and we will actively work to bring his downfall into being! If you resist us, we will reduce you to nothing! If you try to march through our cities with arms, we will STOP you! What we are willing to do is unfathomable for you to imagine! People thought the 60's were bad? What we plan to do will make the 60's protests look like a 'baby shower'!

So even if you win, you STILL lose! We will NOT allow our country to become a Fascist State! Get ready to meet HEAVY RESISTANCE like you have NEVER seen in your lives!


Do ya think that you have been just a touch manipulated (divide and conquer)?

Time to wake up @terryall You are dreaming your life away. Such passion!

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

William Shakespeare
(from Macbeth, spoken by Macbeth)

Jesus Wept!

And when He said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do", He could easily have been referring to such as your authoring of this post. Textbook case of blind leading blind.

'An eye for an eye & we'll all be blind'

I appreciate your passion flowing into your work. But concerned that at the end it is close to being threatening.

It's really all up to them...I look at it this way...Right-wingers march through our cities with fully loaded weapons...and THEY get a 'pass'? But let my side even insinuate that we will fight back...and We're the violent ones? The ONLY threat here is we WILL defend ourselves too!

Liberal fascist leftists are violent and dangerous! They're violent and dangerous because they buy into all the insane lies that the mainstream media, twitter, facebook, tumblr and all the other millenial "news" sites, whose only job it is to divide people into groups (easier to control), tells them are true. They're dangerous because they're against free-speech and want to use evil governments to control the masses into servitude.

Do you know why Conservatism and Libertarianism is known as the right!? If you had even an ounce of functioning brain in your head you would know it's because they are RIGHT!!!

P.s. It's only because of those loaded weapons that you still have any rights whatsoever. You should be thanking them.

Thanking them for what? Scaring the sh!t out of every unarmed person on the face of planet? So now I'm 'brainless' as well? It's standard for you right-wingers to toss it off with an insult when you can't have it YOUR way! Go peddle your papers on the street corner. You can't even get it right or left. Left-wingers cannot be Fascists. It's a contradiction in terms. Going back to my post, it's OK if you and YOUR buddies have guns...but if MY side 'arms up' then you go into the 'vapors' because we have just as MUCH right as YOU to have them...So go with your buddies & form a 'circular firing squad'!

wow the level of ignorance is strong with this one.

It's threatening.

I get this is just an opinion piece and I think that's great on Steemit, but citing examples of what Trump has promised to do, that you disagree with, and why the reaction you think is a required is a valid one, would really help.

He's just parroting what he heard on the Mainstream media. Sadly, nobody on the left seems to have an original opinion... All they seem to be able to produce are BS straw man arguments, playing of the victim card and character assassinations like: racist, bigot, homophobe, islamophobe, transphobe etc. etc. (those last 3 were underlined in red because THEY'RE NOT REAL THINGS!!!!) A phobia means you're scared of something, I'm pretty damn sure nobody is afraid of being straight-bashed, I don't even think that's a thing! Trannies on the other hand... Most of the men trying to change to women were the biggest pricks ever as men and I guess just had it in their heads that they could get away with being massive assholes if they played the tranny card... Bruce Jenner: Asshole and murderer. "Zoe" Tur: Massive asshole!!! My friend's "father": Massive dickhead!! I'm sure the list goes on and on and on!

I am enjoying your logic and reason. you have a new sub. 8D

I knew you would come...I've carefully baited my trap, and every time, I will snag at least ONE of you! You basically think you OWN this platform...and everything said that DOES NOT fit your bill of service, you blame the 'media' for it...Me parrot?...I've heard your argument so many times that I can scribe it off verbatim! That's because all of YOU read off the same basic script...then you call me 'unoriginal'...and then you top it off with a diatribe of phobias...along with transgender bullSh!t that goes off on a tangent so obtuse it's flapping in the breeze!...Like I said EVERY TIME!

Don't worry, it's in the making!

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Personally I think having a non-politician run is a great idea. Sure Trump is not politically correct and doesn't have a perfect past with being a bully in his business life but shaking up the corrupt establishment is long overdue. Hillary is so corrupt, she should not even be able to run. Its not like you can have Joe the plumber run for office, you need to fund a campaign to even stand a chance. Running independent gets nowhere in the 2 platform system. Trump would not be doing well if he wasn't under the GOP platform. I say shake up the corruption in the whitehouse then next election maybe an independent may be in play.

I'm a Berner...and my man basically got shut out...but HE says vote for Clinton...he got OUR planks into the Democratic I really don't care about 'the Cult of Personality'...I'm voting for the platform...Minnie Mouse could be the nominee for all I care...I am an 'old school' Anarchist...if I actually had MY way...there would be NO President!...NO Congress!...NO High Court!...Everything would be essentially decentralized...and the State itself would be eliminated...But I am not getting MY WAY either!...I just don't go on about it...When the 'rubber hits the road' I'm going to vote for the Party that comes closest to my beliefs...If I thought that Johnson or Stein had a 'snowballs chance in h3ll of winning'...I'd consider it...This country NEEDS a viable Third the UK...but it's not happening because of our system...

Oh, your a Berner, that says a lot.
How do you feel about the fact that Clinton stole the nomination?
knowing it was stolen from berrnie you are still going to support her?
how do you feel about the 3rd home and the 150k audi that the Bern bought with you donation money?
how can you say your an anarchist but then say your a supporter of a socialist candidate that scammed you all?

Yes, you are.
I actually find it funny. 8D

Can you back up these claims?

here is a nice post I made about our conversation. feel free to hit the comments up if you like.

well you flagged my posts even more. last chance to remove the flags. I am trying really hard to be nice. remove them of you deal with your own stuff getting flagged

you realize im trying to make it so we don't have to flag you right? I am giving you more then enuff oppertunitys to backup how the things you flagged were abusive or to remove the flags. I am not going to feel bad when you force me to treat you the same as you are treating me. ill be back in 10-15min. if you haven't responded with anything more then flagging I will tell everyone and we will return the flagging.

@terryrall ,
My response to your post is long so I thought I would make a post and just link it. I have a lot of questions and think it would show great character on your part if you checked out my response and made one back so your followers and myself can fully understand your position on this subject better.
Thanks and hope to hear back from you soon.

Guess what? My post is 'trending'...Your response hasn't even hit the list!

@skeptic ...I've read it...and it is a splendid job of deconstruction if I do say that myself...Sorry I can't answer all of your many points...but I am busy right now, and really can't cater to your whims...I'm actually working on something 'important'...I could spare a little time if it was really worth the effort to put into it...but it's just an effort to satisfy you, so I really don't give a sh!t...By the way, I'm an Anarchist...not your average 'libtard'...and a member of the Democratic your actions to marginalize me fall on 'deaf ears' you can go back to pulling the wings off of flies...or whatever you do for amusement! Toodles!

Oh! I don't want to forget! Thanks for spending all that time on little 'ol me! It really makes me feel important!

then what's your motive?
to try to understand your points.
Proving that you can nit pick & deconstruct every thing that I say?
No, it is proving that you cant back up anything you say, the proof
is in the fact you still have not answered one single question I asked you.
What do you want me to do?
Answer all the questions I asked. What is your reasoning for not wanting to back up the statements you made? is it because you cant?
Spend my time answering your arguments?
no, spend time showing your not an ignorant retard. I gain nothing from you answering my questions or when you elaborate on the points you made. You are the only one that would benefit from it by proving your not just talking shit.
a learning experience?'s more like a cut down party
it is a learning experience if you can actually provide some information, it only becomes a cut down party when you prove you cant defend your stance and have nothing to back up your quotes but feelings. If you admit you cant do that and we continue to be little you then it can be called a cut down party. but I'm still hoping you can actually back up your statements. call it hope, but I hope you can actually answer the simple questions I asked.

I hope at some point you get the self respect to defend your statements. it is very sad to me that you have done nothing but dodge the post of questions.

I think you owe it to yourself to try to defend your stance, I also think it would show great character on your part if you tried to answer the response like a person that that has respects for them self would do when asked to elaborate on statements they have made.

We all know you cant and wont tho.

Sorry I can't answer all of your many points...but I am busy right now, and really can't cater to your whims
it is not about catering to my whims, it is about you being able to back up the statements you make when asked questions about them. I understand when you say stuff out of pure ignorance it is hard to back it up but you really don't have the personal respect for your statements to elaborate on them?
I could spare a little time if it was really worth the effort to put into it...but it's just an effort to satisfy you, so I really don't give a sh!t
so you don't see it as worth the effort to back up statements you make? it has nothing to do with me, it is about you and your chance to prove to all of steem that your not full of shit.
I'm an Anarchist...not your average 'libtard'
you post does not come off as anything besides hard left.
and a member of the Democratic base
so an anarcho-democrat? please elaborate on how you can be anarcho (no rulers) and democrat (more rulers)?
so your actions to marginalize me fall on 'deaf ears'
I have not tried to marginalize you, just trying to get you to back up your statements so i can learn from your view that differs from mine.
now you can go back to pulling the wings off of flies...or whatever you do for amusement!
More projection? I'm not into pulling wings off flies, I actually get amusement from learning, but I can see you will not be supplying any information about any of the questions I asked. so it is not fun, more like work with you.
Oh! I don't want to forget! Thanks for spending all that time on little 'ol me! It really makes me feel important!
truth is I'm not spending time on you, I'm spending time on me. I am trying to understand your post and there for I ask questions about what I don't understand. I am now realizing you do not have the ability to answer any of the questions I asked. if you really want to make it about you, we can say I'm wasting time on you. it has been a total waste because you still have not answered a single question. only name calling and assumptions.

I will continue to hope you have the character to actually defend your statements and answer my questions to help myself and anyone else reading this post fully understand what you are trying to tell everyone.

If you're wasting time on me...then what's your motive? Proving that you can nit pick & deconstruct every thing that I say? I've really picked a winner this time!...What do you want me to do? Spend my time answering your arguments? I've got better things to do with my time...a learning experience?'s more like a cut down at least call it for what it is...

Trending with your 3 upvotes?
Only reason it is trending is because I have been posting in the comments with you.

Hey! Everybody!...I've hit the JACKPOT this time!...I KNEW this post would be irresistible to 'trolls''s like handing out candy to babies!...And I actually caught some BIG ones this time!...Your condescending nature doesn't affect me personally...I actually like it! Keep up the good work!

you like the fact that people point out that you cant back up anything you say? you must be proud.

ha - I resist Hillary. (not for Trump either) You thought it was bad for Obama. Who ever wins this election is going to be hated by nearly half the population. 'merica!
